Some recent AMA’s

Hello. I imagine you get messages about your posts a lot but i wanted to reach out and thank you so much for what you do. If you could pass this on to any of the people who have been in your videos too i would really appreciate it. I had felt like i had lost all sense of sexual identity and just couldn’t enjoy myself in that way (id been in abusive situations and also had bdsm used in the name of a physically abusive relationship) It was through your videos and seeing the women engaging in caring, gentle play that focused on just pleasure that helped me see a different side to it all. It has helped me find my sexual desires and confidence. Your videos and the way you approach the topics you write about have helped more than you can imagine. Thank you so so much.

Very happy to hear this, I will pass this on to my friends who have helped throughout. While not all are okay with having videos made viewable, I am happy that the videos seen have been able to help you so much (I have had a few messages from people over time who have shared how the content has helped them through hardships and I appreciate you reaching out). This is one of the reasons why I’ll always continue to create the content. There will also be some posts coming over time that will give a little more insight into safe BDSM play. While I do not engage in much BDSM play at all (all the focus is on teasing and pleasure based play – so there’s never any risks involved), I’ll put up little pieces of advice that may help those who are looking to engage in this kind of activity.

Continue reading Some recent AMA’s

Ask Me Anything Replies

OOF – you have seriously mastered the delicate art of writing fear and pleasure! your haunted house and the demon one always mess me up something awful!  Your works are such a go-to for me. Thanks for all your hard work! It’s definitely appreciated! ❤

A pleasure to provide such delights. Although the majority of others like that will be coming next Halloween, there will be some random ones posted across the year as well (coming around Christmas time as well).

Continue reading Ask Me Anything Replies

Just one more week of Halloween content to come before the regular posts begin again. Expect a few more Haunted House based posts (next Halloween there will be more emphasis on the ghostly/supernatural posts) as well as a special audio post. After Thursday things will return to normal. A number of asks and questions over the last few weeks will be posted here to. The first post to be re-uploaded, after the audio post is uploaded, will be the ‘Deathly Hallows symbol’ post that a number of people have been requesting to see again. Always a pleasure to entice the imagination…

Your Session

Lie back and imagine yourself helpless and awaiting my touch, ready to be teased, edged and brought to the levels of ecstasy that you’d long fantasised about.

An audio tease involving teasing, edging and forced orgasms/over-stimulation.

*No toys needed*

Soundgasm link (in case audio file does not work correctly)

Content created by: PleasureTorture

“Always look forward to your posts…I especially love the possibility of watching you edge/deny by teasing her with your cock… Her writhing as you slowly enter her, teasing her clit with every thrust, finding her sweet spot within to drive her crazy but never enough to make her cum… and teasing yourself at the same time, whispering how close you are & how hard it is to resist the snug pull of her pussy… Her labia swollen and plump, throbbing around your achy cock… to the point where it’s not clear who’s teasing who… Both of you making whimpering sounds with each slow thrust… Excruciating pleasure right on the edge, her wet softness meeting your rock hard silky smooth cock…The whimpers turning to loud cries for both of you… “Oh god…Please…” So hot…the friction inescapable but never enough… desperate cries growing louder still…“OHHH…OH GOD!”…(I’m getting so hot thinking about it)…

Perhaps you made a bet to see who could last the longest, or perhaps one of you had accidentally taken something that made you or her or both incapable of orgasming, or perhaps you were being controlled by a third party, someone directing you both…Warning you not to com or else…Mmm…Would love to read something like that.  Side note-do you ever allow a third party to watch and/or “assist” with sessions if everyone is into it? ”

There was something coming along those lines, but not I think I’ll have to work on many more posts focusing on such scenarios (A game I played with someone once was ‘whoever orgasms first loses’ with the loser having to go a week without coming again – hadn’t really thought of writing a story based on it, but now I will).
Also I am a big fan of voyeurism and have indeed had another person watching while doing a session (was a couple and the male partner watched). I haven’t had anybody assist in an actual session (there was something that came close to that in a swingers club once which I’ll write about in future), though it is certainly something I’d enjoy if the opportunity ever arose.

Tumblr Blog Terminated

As of today, it seems that the Tumblr blog ( ) has been officially terminated by Tumblr. I’ve put in a request to try and get it back. The page was mostly just used to post updates for new content here, but it was still nice to be able to keep easy contact with people who wanted to message just through Tumblr, which is why I want to try and keep some form of connection on Tumblr still.

In the meantime I have created a new sfw blog which will only have text based posts to avoid the wraith of Tumblr, so follow me here to keep updated and for easy direct messaging:

The twitter page is the fastest way to get updates too:

Of course, this is the main hub, where all of the deleted Tumblr posts will be re-uploaded (re-edited to look much better as well).

If any of you could please post this or even details of this on your Tumblr page (or wherever possible) I would be grateful, just to keep people informed of what’s going on and where to find the content now. Thank you.

A couple of answered messages…

Do the sessions involve mutual pleasure/nudity? And also, do you ever have women request for a session who are shy and a bit nervous?

Honestly it depends on what the person wants from the session. Some people have wanted just the focus on themselves, with no further sexual interaction, which is absolutely fine; the priority is always their own enjoyment from the session itself. The whole point of this is always to allow someone to indulge in their desires without them feeling the need to reciprocate or involve anything else – I simply love allowing others to explore their fantasies. This is why I always like to have a conversation before the session (whether it’s a while before, or even just having a conversation over a coffee just before the session) about what the person wants from it overall. What they are comfortable with and what they want the focus on.

Others very much want a little more mutual involvement… that’s where it could be involving sex itself (perhaps one day I’ll be able to involve a video showing how I like to involve teasing, edging and forced orgasms through penetration etc.), simply a little voyeurism or being able to have a little revenge.

I often have requested sessions from women who have been a little shy and nervous about it… the majority of times actually. Due to my emphasis on safety, security, privacy and the more gentle side of bondage and pleasure, the sessions attract those who are newer to it all and haven’t been sure where to act out their fantasies with someone safely. I take great pride in the fact that I get to interact with people like this because it lets them experience something they may not have ever pursued. On a side note, I had a request to create a short story about a shy girl who becomes involved in teasing and edging with someone, this is something that I still need to complete, but it is certainly in the works.

Sorry to be this blunt, but how I’d love for you to be in my bedroom forcing me to go beyond what I believe to be my limits. Not exactly a question, but compliments can be made as well.

I’d also like to be blunt and say that I’d love to be in your bedroom making you come until you are screaming for me to stop, that you can’t take it anymore. Only for me to then tell you that I’m only just getting started. Perhaps it is something that could be planned one day – Organising sessions, whether in person or online, can be done though the contact section here: