
Perhaps behind the blindfold, you imagine being on display, many surrounding you, so many hands and mouths teasing you as you sit helplessly.

Maybe you’re thinking of your latest fantasy while restrained, free within the confines of your mind to indulge in thoughts of being penetrated and explored so fiercely and thoroughly.

Feeling the restraints around your wrists and ankles, holding you in place, allows you to fantasise about being devoured while so confined. Fantasising about pulling on those cuffs while that mouth torments you so wonderfully, knowing it won’t stop no matter how much you strain and writhe.

You could even be thinking of being entirely untouched while others watch, simply basking in your exhibitionist fantasies as the same powerful vibration constantly chips away at your resolve. It is constantly just a little too much, yet you never want to give in. You never truly want it to stop, and the restraints help ensure you can’t out an end to it.

Or maybe you’re imagining being alone, no one else around, simply exploring yourself and letting the toy be the only thing between you and ecstasy. Your fantasies being fueled by the needs of your body, your need to traverse the heights of ecsatsy.

No matter what is running through your mind behind the blindfold, you’ll need to get used to the quivering, the orgasmic convulsion and the physicality of straining hard against those restraints while the vibrator stays in place. Regardless of what is on your mind, my goal is to compete with your imagination, and show you that me in reality wants to be far crueller to your pussy than whatever your imagination concocts.

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It is not simply a want or merely a desire. It is absolutely a need. The need to feel you at your limit, to know that you are experiencing pleasure that your mind craves yet your body struggles to handle.

The need to feel your sensitive pussy clench as your delicate body succumbs to the inevitable. The need to hold you back and make sure you fully endure it, to prevent you from protecting your hypersensitive clitoris from what you truly crave. The need to feel you trying to make me stop, yet never actually trying to get away.

The necessity to never stop hearing you moan and scream in ecstasy, to feel you shudder and shake in overstimulation. A need, an addiction, an obsession with your pleasure.

I need it just as much as you do.

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Comfort, security, warmth, relaxation… these are some of the most important aspects to ensure the most wonderful masturbation and pleasure. Comfort must be your reality.

However, in your fantasies, in your erotic imagination, you can concoct the most wicked and intense scenarios. When you next touch and tease yourself, you can imagine the helplessness, the lack of control. Restrained and unable to escape, unable to cry out or give any word or signal for it to cease. Trapped and helpless to do anything other than whimper, moan and cry in torturous ecstasy.

The vibrator pressed to your intimacy, unforgiving and unstoppable. Forced to endure orgasms that melt your body and sap your will. There is no mercy. There is no escape. The orgasms continue far beyond your ability to cope with them, far beyond your capability to endure the assault of brutal pleasure. Perhaps your fantasy pushes you further, not letting your fantasy self experience the relief of your sex becoming desensitised and numb to the vibrations. Instead, you imagine it going on and on until you see yourself passing out repeatedly from the cruel ordeal, always waking to the unending barrage of sensations drilling your body and punishing your clit.

Your reality is heavenly. Your fantasy is hellish.

You won’t feel any less comfort, yet you’ll feel so much more intensity.

As much as you try to match the pleasure of your fantasy in reality, you’ll always fail. Yet, the attempt will always be wonderful.

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That plump, delicate opening being pushed apart, such eager lips pressing against it, wanting to devour you. Teasing you ever so slightly, making you want them to clamp down just a little more, to suck just a little harder. The way that tongue seeks you out, needing to explore. So soft and slippery, so flexible and strong, holding you at its mercy, wanting to flicker against the most sensitive parts. Feeling every tiny quiver and then honing in to cause it further. The more I feast on you, the more I can draw out those little moans…

That’s how it feels up here. To think how it feels down there…

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: FemaleWorship