
Perhaps behind the blindfold, you imagine being on display, many surrounding you, so many hands and mouths teasing you as you sit helplessly.

Maybe you’re thinking of your latest fantasy while restrained, free within the confines of your mind to indulge in thoughts of being penetrated and explored so fiercely and thoroughly.

Feeling the restraints around your wrists and ankles, holding you in place, allows you to fantasise about being devoured while so confined. Fantasising about pulling on those cuffs while that mouth torments you so wonderfully, knowing it won’t stop no matter how much you strain and writhe.

You could even be thinking of being entirely untouched while others watch, simply basking in your exhibitionist fantasies as the same powerful vibration constantly chips away at your resolve. It is constantly just a little too much, yet you never want to give in. You never truly want it to stop, and the restraints help ensure you can’t out an end to it.

Or maybe you’re imagining being alone, no one else around, simply exploring yourself and letting the toy be the only thing between you and ecstasy. Your fantasies being fueled by the needs of your body, your need to traverse the heights of ecsatsy.

No matter what is running through your mind behind the blindfold, you’ll need to get used to the quivering, the orgasmic convulsion and the physicality of straining hard against those restraints while the vibrator stays in place. Regardless of what is on your mind, my goal is to compete with your imagination, and show you that me in reality wants to be far crueller to your pussy than whatever your imagination concocts.

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Uncertainty (1/5)

It’s the uncertainty that gets you the most. Wondering whether this time, maybe this time, you’ll get to feel that orgasm. Just like how your own fingertips – your own control of the toy – still leave you unsure of just when; will you give yourself that mercy and let the orgasm overtake you, or will you keep going until your body gives out first, unable to hold it back?

The first time, just the slow and steady rise while your legs spread apart, exposing you. Perhaps your legs are pushed apart fiercely, letting you know just who is in charge, yet you keep them held like that, inviting the exploration. Maybe it’ll happen though, that little thought crossing your mind that an orgasm now would be the biggest shock. The surprise and urgency making it all the more intense. But no, not yet, of course. It pulls away. The first time is playful, teasing in the lightest sense of the word. After all, you aren’t begging yet. So much more time to feast on your pleasure…

Continue reading Uncertainty (1/5)


The little gasps of pleasure that you imagine him eliciting from you. All those delicate touches, those firm grasps, those tender strokes, your fingers trying to replicate each and every one. Repeating each scene you want to linger on, holding yourself on the edge as you try to keep every thought of penetration held in slow motion. Keeping yourself held back and on the brink of orgasm is the closest you can get to feeling that aching desire right against your core, the kind that only the anticipation of sex itself can give. Those thoughts of him masturbating you, of going down on you to prepare your pussy for his length, to feel his cock pulsating within your grasp as he whispers what he’ll do to you. It all keeps building that deep longing for penetration.

You don’t let yourself come, not yet, not while you can still focus on thinking of just what your pussy would be making him feel. How you can imagine the same sensations coursing through every throbbing inch of his shaft. In your mind, he makes you come so many times, yet still, your fingertips ease back to prevent the first. His mouth, his cock, his fingers… which will you come for first? You want to wait until the last moment – until it’s too much for your body to handle — before you decide… or at least your body decides for you.

Continue reading Decisions

The joy always lies in the thought of what is next.

Knowing that the vibrations will not yield, wondering how intense they’ll feel after the next few minutes.

Thinking of how you’ll possibly suffer through the next orgasm after how unbearably intense this one is.

Wondering just how sensitive your clitoris will get once the next wave of ecstasy threatens to drown you.

Aroused and terrified in near equal measure of how the device would feel if it pressed directly against your skin, without the barrier of the fabric slightly shielding it.

Curious when you might need to signal the safeword and whether the next orgasmic embrace will grip just that little too tightly. Questioning why feeling the restraints rendering you helpless makes the ordeal even more erotic, no matter how much you fight against them.

Continue to thrash and writhe and wonder; I’ll keep this right here and ensure that you find out very soon.

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Knowing the barrier of the fabric won’t let those fingers press right there.

Knowing those slender digits won’t apply enough pressure on your achingly in-need clit, or sink between your moist, swollen pussy lips.

Certain that you will not receive the friction you need or the intimate penetration that every inch of your body screams out for.

Certain that the pattern will continue, that those cruel, teasing fingertips will torment the gorgeously smooth mound of your femininity continuously.

Yet still, you thrust your hips up, rock your waist back and forth, as if it will make any difference. As if bucking and writhing will provide any relief or draw any mercy.

Utterly futile.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

It’s not what you feel is happening which is taking its toll on your body. It’s what you imagine is to come.

Just a single fingertip presses to that aching, wet little entrance, though the thought of the most teasing of tongues keeps you trapped. Moan out as you picture what will soon come, to feel those restraints holding you at my mercy while these merciless fingers wreak havoc upon your sensitive body. Just the thoughts alone keep your nipples so stiff, so ready for my lips to clasp around, to suck those sweet morsels with such delight. You do not dare let your fingertip sink any deeper, wanting to savour the moment my own sinks into you to feel that silky, convulsing depth. That material clinging to your hips will soon be gone, to leave you helpless for me, but not just yet; keep stroking to the thoughts of how my mouth will savour your pussy. You know just how much I love how swollen it gets when you are this turned on, the way my mouth sinks into you as those lips part for me. 

Now stop and spread those legs for me; once these restraints are on, I’ll control every sensation your body can take. Now clear your mind and focus solely on your stiff little clitoris and nipples. Those delicate peaks of pure pleasure. Focus solely on them, how sensitive they are, how vulnerable they are. Now think of what I’m going to do to them…

Written by: PleasureTorture

Submission by: Kalinhamari

Just for a moment, I want to be so close, close enough to almost feel what you feel, to sense the desire and anticipation, the longing. Just knowing how it’s going to feel in that exact same place, the sensations that will stem from right here.

Right now, at the height of eroticism, there is no you or I. There is simply just a single entity of pleasure. To freeze this moment indefinitely, if only it weren’t so unbearable to hold. 

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When things escalate, when the teasing becomes a little too much, sometimes you need to be reminded that you need to control your desires. I know you want these fingers to explore you. I know you want to be stripped and toyed with. Perhaps, if you’re a good girl, once we’ve taken a few photos, you’ll get a little of what you crave.

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Images from: PleasureTorture teasing session

His fingers tantalise you while his mouth presses to that most sensitive little part of your neck. Every time you masturbate, this is what you dream of feeling. Though it isn’t what you feel against your skin that has your hips rocking the most. Hearing him tell you how much he wants to be deep within that softness, how he’ll fuck every orgasm out of your body until you can no longer take it, how your pleasure is entirely in his control, that’s what has kept you so dripping wet in the place that his fingers threaten to penetrate.

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