
Perhaps behind the blindfold, you imagine being on display, many surrounding you, so many hands and mouths teasing you as you sit helplessly.

Maybe you’re thinking of your latest fantasy while restrained, free within the confines of your mind to indulge in thoughts of being penetrated and explored so fiercely and thoroughly.

Feeling the restraints around your wrists and ankles, holding you in place, allows you to fantasise about being devoured while so confined. Fantasising about pulling on those cuffs while that mouth torments you so wonderfully, knowing it won’t stop no matter how much you strain and writhe.

You could even be thinking of being entirely untouched while others watch, simply basking in your exhibitionist fantasies as the same powerful vibration constantly chips away at your resolve. It is constantly just a little too much, yet you never want to give in. You never truly want it to stop, and the restraints help ensure you can’t out an end to it.

Or maybe you’re imagining being alone, no one else around, simply exploring yourself and letting the toy be the only thing between you and ecstasy. Your fantasies being fueled by the needs of your body, your need to traverse the heights of ecsatsy.

No matter what is running through your mind behind the blindfold, you’ll need to get used to the quivering, the orgasmic convulsion and the physicality of straining hard against those restraints while the vibrator stays in place. Regardless of what is on your mind, my goal is to compete with your imagination, and show you that me in reality wants to be far crueller to your pussy than whatever your imagination concocts.

Continue reading Blindfold


The little gasps of pleasure that you imagine him eliciting from you. All those delicate touches, those firm grasps, those tender strokes, your fingers trying to replicate each and every one. Repeating each scene you want to linger on, holding yourself on the edge as you try to keep every thought of penetration held in slow motion. Keeping yourself held back and on the brink of orgasm is the closest you can get to feeling that aching desire right against your core, the kind that only the anticipation of sex itself can give. Those thoughts of him masturbating you, of going down on you to prepare your pussy for his length, to feel his cock pulsating within your grasp as he whispers what he’ll do to you. It all keeps building that deep longing for penetration.

You don’t let yourself come, not yet, not while you can still focus on thinking of just what your pussy would be making him feel. How you can imagine the same sensations coursing through every throbbing inch of his shaft. In your mind, he makes you come so many times, yet still, your fingertips ease back to prevent the first. His mouth, his cock, his fingers… which will you come for first? You want to wait until the last moment – until it’s too much for your body to handle — before you decide… or at least your body decides for you.

Continue reading Decisions

What thoughts coat your mind as your essence coats your fingertip?

Will you slow down to savour the moment? Or will you speed up to embrace the satisfaction?

Do you think of someone else with you, or are you imagining watching someone else?

Will you still be in your lingerie, or will you be stripped entirely?

Soon, you’ll allow yourself to find out.

Just let your imagination take hold, and then you’ll feel them. Those hands, gliding, teasing, trailing, pinching, feeling them linger on those places your own want to press against. The gyration of your hips, the moans of your arousal, the stiffness of your nipples, the beating of your heart getting faster and faster; none of it is under your control. Those fingertips will draw it all from you and more. 

Take those most sensuous thoughts and exotic dreams, those most erotic fantasies and pleasurable desires, and turn them into your own little reality. 

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Your favourite little game. You are always pushing one another to the breaking point while trying your best to control it, to push those feelings down just a little deeper than her. You try so hard not to climax before her, but hearing those moans and feeling the gyrations and little trembles makes it much more intense. 

Does knowing exactly how she is feeling make it easier? Or harder? 

That burning pleasure rising constantly within you, the wetness around your fingers a signal of the orgasm you want to release; you need it to overcome her. Perhaps this time, when your thighs clench, and your moans turn to gasps, that’s when she’ll give in and come. If not, can you last another moment rocking on the edge?

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I can only come once. I can only feel that sweet, explosive release of ecstasy one time before it’s over. Maybe another entire day before I get to build back up to that moment. That’s why we are here like this right now.

I want to take my frustration out on you. The frustration of being unable to come more than once while focused on your multi-orgasmic body. All of my attention is on making you come so much that I’m almost glad I can only come once.

How I masturbate you lets you know that I’m thinking of all the times I had to hold myself on the brink when fucking you. All the times, I had to withhold my orgasm because it would have been all over if I hadn’t. It was almost like a punishment for my cock, for being unable to climax multiple times. So now this is the punishment for your pussy in return.

So just lean back against me and keep coming just like that. Let me have a taste of what it feels like to be able to orgasm again and again.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: thewhiteboxx


No matter what your deepest desires are, let your private moments of pleasure take you on the most intense of journeys.

Indulge in your wildest fantasies, safe in the knowledge that those little moments of joy are yours and yours alone.

Explore yourself to your fullest, bask in the eroticism, and make it last.

Continue reading Indulge

Confines of Your Mind

Free within the confines of your mind, you can surrender yourself to your fantasies.

You tease yourself to the thought of letting your lust overcome you, unconfined to thoughts of fear, doubt and security; sex is all there is. The electric surges of pleasure flow throughout you as your body slowly succumbs to the scenarios your mind creates; the more your sex convulses to the touch of your fingertips against those soft petals of flesh, the more your imagination wanders further, deeper. Even as the pleasure builds to something more, you try to control it and hold it back, not allowing yourself the release you will soon truly crave. Hips swaying as you imagine stripping for a stranger, ready to ride that hardness your feel between your thighs, unleashing your animalistic desires, you are only just getting started…

Continue reading Confines of Your Mind