”Fuck!!! P… please… oh God… OH GOD!”  

”That’s it… take it! You wanted to come that bad? Then feel it over and over again.”

”N… No I… I swear, I didn’t… OH GOD!”

‘’Take it! Come again! Now!’’

”Please not again… I cant take it… I DIDN’T MASTURBATE OUT OF CLASS… I SWEAR!”

”Good girl… scream for us, let everyone in the college hear just what happens when you come without permission.”

”Fuck… oh fuck… PLEASE STOP.”

”It’s not going to stop, no matter how much you beg.”

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Two Participants

The soothing hum of an air conditioner drifts through the office, filling the void of the girl’s hesitation at the question.“No, not for over two years,” she finally responds. 

The interviewer makes a note. “Any encounters within this period?”

“…Yeah,” follows the pause.

“If you care to say so, roughly, how recently was this?”

A rustling of paperwork fills the moment’s silence as the young woman averts her gaze.

“It was – um, about …uh, 4 months ago.”

“Lastly, have you been looking for any further partners recently?” the interviewer asks softly, making sure not to offend or embarrass the gentle looking girl before him.

Lifting her deep blue eyes to his, she firmly states, “No, just enjoying my independence,” before giving a warm smile.

The interviewer smiles back and turns off the sound recorder on his desk which separates them both in the spacious, finely decorated office room. Laying down his notes methodically, he addresses the girl.

Continue reading Two Participants

Test Subject: 0073

Day 1: Preparation

Test Subject 0073 has been teased with the Penetrator 3.0. The constantly vibrating phallus has been highly sufficient in causing an extreme need for sexual release throughout the day. As with past test subjects, the intense vibration emitted, as well as its knack for teasing a woman’s entrance with the possibility of penetration, has kept her constantly requesting more. The thought of what it would feel like to have it vibrating that way within them always causes for a desperation to be penetrated as fast as possible.

The subject had also informed us that the addition of the rotating feature to the phallus made it feel ‘alive’ while it teased her labia and clitoris.

As a reward for enduring so many hours of stimulation without climax in preparation for tomorrow, she has been granted full penetration by the machine. It has been programmed to shut off at any signs of impending climax. This will continue for 60 minutes, after which the subject will rest and be prepared to return here tomorrow. I am pleased with the penetrative device’s performance in anticipation for the upcoming tests.

Continue reading Test Subject: 0073

Your Sweet Torment

Let your imagination wander, your fingers will soon follow…

The tease is designed for use with a vibrator, though use whatever setting you feel best with. If you struggle to hold the vibrator or keep it against you when things get a little more intense, try using a belt around your waist to keep the vibe trapped in place (or placed beneath your underwear) while it is left on (this would also allow you to keep your arms and legs spread to further immerse you).

Do not dare orgasm until given permission of course, though if you do, be sure to stop and ruin it… then punish yourself by ruining your next orgasm.

Helplessly, all you can do is give in to the desires ceaselessly coursing through your body. Restrained and blindfolded, even the slightest touch from our fingertips sends a surge through you. Never has your pleasure been so out of your hands, entirely out of your own control.

Continue reading Your Sweet Torment

Her Sweet Torment

Helplessly, all she could do was give in to the desires ceaselessly coursing through her body. Restrained and blindfolded, even the slightest touch from our fingertips sent a surge throughout. Never had her pleasure been so out of her own hands, to be so out of her own control.

We kept her on the edge for what felt like hours, never giving the mercy she pleaded for. Relentlessly tortured, as however much she screamed in pleasure, it was never enough to satisfy our desires.

As the wand pulled away, she begged for more until the moment that pulsing vibration settled between her legs once again, taking her breath away. Arching her back, tensing her body, hoping that this will be the moment… but again, her torment continued.

Continue reading Her Sweet Torment

Erotic Frustration

Restrained and made to keep as still as possible, tormented with constant teasing and made to suffer without the release of an orgasm or even any penetration. The video collects a PleasureTorture session involving orgasm denial and sensual teasing through erotic whispers and constant stimulation. Through the use of restraints, a blindfold, soft tipped paintbrushes dipped in oil and methods of teasing including the lightest licking motions and suction possible, the victim cannot control her hips any longer.

Content created by: PleasureTorture