Behind The Blindfold

Behind the blindfold, you don’t see figures, skin, or movement. All your mind’s eye can comprehend is pleasure, the way your clitoris flickers back and forth as a tongue lashes against it, the way your pussy juices trail down the petals of your sex.

Together they devote themselves to bringing you to the pinnacles of pleasure, to smother you in your deepest fantasy. Your chest fondled, the sweet spot of the nape of your neck nibbled on, all while another mouth relishes in the sensitivity of your pussy. 

Once the blindfold is off, you take pleasure in seeing them explore you so intently, seeing the joy in their eyes every time their fingertips and mouths make you squirm. Feeling fingers inside you, feeling your clitoris being stroked and knowing your sex is being watched so closely would alone be enough to tip you over the brink. Having lips locking around your own as you moan into them is what throws you over that cliff into pure orgasmic bliss.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: X-art

Lying there motionless even though every inch of you feels like it is trembling. You try to contain yourself, to take back ownership of your body.

You had expected a wild night out, but never did you expect to be taking someone back with you; there was an intensity to him that seemed to ignite your desires instantly. Once you were both alone in your room, it caught you off guard when he told you not to undress when things began to get heated. Even then, as your lips locked and your hands explored one another, you could sense there was a presence of mind to him unlike any other. There was no desperate fumble to disrobe you, no instant dash to penetrate you; instead there was simply the slow, attentive touch of someone who wanted to savour every moment. 

The way he teased your body so effortlessly made your insides melt with longing: he seemed to realise this, taking your hands suddenly and tying them with his belt. You trembled as that feeling of pure submission washed over you, yet still he took his time, pinning you down and teasing through your clothes. Once his fingers slid under your panties, you cried out with pleasure, yet still he didn’t let you come, choosing instead to bring you close over and over again. The more you begged and pleaded, the more those fingers slowed down and explored at his leisure and delight. Your pleasure was his to command, and when he stood up to get the sex toys in your drawer, you knew that tonight you were going to climax harder than ever before in your life.

Submitted to and Written by: PleasureTorture

Image by: asubmissiveintraining


The feeling of the silk against your wrists sends a surge of warmth along every inch of your skin; the creamy, weightless softness lets you know that nothing you feel after this moment will be in your own hands. The eroticism of such a thought drifts directly between your thighs – you tremble in anticipation. 

You are told not to speak, told simply to lose yourself in the experience. The blindfold further locks you inside yourself, keeping you fantasising about the sensations, amplifying every light touch on your skin. The delicate contact across your cleavage and across your nipples makes your skin tingle.

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