The soft, stuttered sound of cloth tearing as his fingers rip open her last garment, indicating that the photo shoot was over and that his true intent was to begin. He had piqued her curiosity by mentioning the vibrator, which he had himself created, yet when she asked him to show her, he had much more in mind.

He had told her to simply tell him to stop when she wanted him to, yet when his vibrator met her pussy, she gasped and swayed in shock at the power of it, speechless and engulfed in sudden arousal beyond expectation.

He held her tight, feeling such a delicate body in his arms, steadying her as if his life depended on it. Every shiver and surge of that feminine structure seemed to radiate through him. It seemed to be giving him strength. From what must have been mere seconds, he heard the music of her moans and utterances of joy fill the room; barely a minute had passed before she was shaking in her first orgasm. He relished in the ecstasy that his creation was eliciting from her. When her squeals of bliss turned to cries for it to stop, that it was too intense, he knew that it couldn’t end so soon.

He kept it pressed to her, holding her tight while those wonderful hips tried to twist free from his clutches. He was going to make sure she never forgot him, make sure that she always remembered the pleasure of this day, a pleasure that would never be rivalled. This vibrator in his clutches was going to make her come more than anybody else could, more than she herself would dare attempt. He knew that however much she screamed and begged, she would always dream about the sensations he had given her – she would always fantasise about the way he pushed her to the brinks of pleasure that she truly wanted but would never seek.

This wouldn’t be the last time she’d come back to him. The way he forced multiple orgasms from her with his vibrator was going to be what always kept her coming back for more, even if she wouldn’t admit it.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: Michael Khan

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