Haunted House (Lily)

Forced orgasms” was all she had written, and it was what she’d receive. Once the haunted house had stolen Lily’s companions from her, she welcomed the presence of the strangers around her, all cloaked in black and leading her to the room. It was foreboding to see the mattress at the centre of the sinister-looking room, though she was thankful that it was warm and rather comfortable once they laid her down on it. She had resigned herself to the fate ahead as they restrained her to it and placed the ball gag in her mouth. 

“You will scream,” whispered one of the figures as the other left. At that, he removed the cloak and looked upon her body with a hunger in his eyes. She shied away from his gaze before he knelt beside her and began his exploration of her pleasure. 

Continue reading Haunted House (Lily)

He told her that he would bring her to the pinnacle of orgasm for at least an hour. The sensation was unlike anything; she simply giggled at first, unsure how to react to such sensations. After a while, she began to realise that this burning need would not simply fade, but by that time, it was too late to stop…

As the second hour of denial passed, her giggles became desperate cries for release… cries for an orgasm that would not come. If only she knew how it felt to be trapped in this torment for so long before she agreed to it.

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The feeling of the silk against your wrists sends a surge of warmth along every inch of your skin; the creamy, weightless softness lets you know that nothing you feel after this moment will be in your own hands. The eroticism of such a thought drifts directly between your thighs – you tremble in anticipation. 

You are told not to speak, told simply to lose yourself in the experience. The blindfold further locks you inside yourself, keeping you fantasising about the sensations, amplifying every light touch on your skin. The delicate contact across your cleavage and across your nipples makes your skin tingle.

Continue reading Anticipate

More Than You Can Endure

You said you wanted to be put through more pleasure than you have ever endured, more orgasms than you had ever dared strive for.

There is no turning back now. The Sybian stays tied to you while you lie there helplessly. If you could think straight, you’d be thinking of how you should have requested a break when it became too much, but right now, your very thoughts are flooded by the shuddering vibrations between your thighs.

Every 5 minutes it gets turned up higher. You can struggle as much as you like. After all, this is what you wanted, to be tortured with pleasure until you’d do anything to fight it off… you’ve got your wish.

Continue reading More Than You Can Endure

It is early… she is still standing.

Very few people venture to this part of the island, not knowing of its beauty or its people. The all-female congregation here rarely get lucky enough to happen upon a lone female, but now that they have, they won’t let her leave until every woman in the village has had their taste of her tenderness.

They take their time to each lick and suck that delicate pussy. It will be nightfall once they have all had their turn, and then the girl will wake up back in her resort, as if it were a dream.

It is early… her legs begin to shake.

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The Service

To be forced to orgasm beyond her limits, a concept that she could not have comprehended, would become a reality, yet when she laid eyes on the website listing the services available, she wanted to jump into the experience with both feet.

Now she realised how naïve she had been not to tread cautiously, having envisioned simply a night of erotic stimulation and the constant stream of orgasms, the reality had surfaced; she was being engulfed in pleasure so intense it was torturing her beyond comprehension.

Unending and unwavering, trapped in a prison of ecstasy.

As expected, once she arrived at the hotel room she had chosen to carry out the session in, she was stripped and restrained instantly. Even as the ball gag was put in place to stop her screams from resounding throughout the hotel, all she could think about was the orgasms in store. It was only when the vibrator was strapped to her that she realised this could be more intense than expected; the way it clasped so tightly to her already wet pussy made her tingle at the thought of not being able to escape the vibrations.

As she had requested, the man who tied her did not interact with her. He simply made sure she was secured and helpless to stop the vibrator from working her body relentlessly. It was only after the first orgasm hit her hard and suddenly that she realised just how much of an effect having such unyielding vibrations against her post-orgasmic clitoris truly would be. Having thought that the sensations would rise and fall again and again, this was a shock; to feel the vibrations drill through her clitoris was too much to handle. Each climax afterwards seemed to hit harder than the last, no matter how much she tried to scream out and pull on the restraints, nothing would give in. Orgasm after orgasm torn from her body without mercy, this was what it was to truly be forced to orgasm.

This was the joyous torment that she had long fantasised about, never expecting it to become a reality, yet if she knew it would feel like this, never would she have selected the service to last for a full hour.

Continue reading The Service

Naked, defenceless, teased to a frenzy… succumb to the sweet surrender.

At first, you’ll take it. You’ll relent to the desire erupting from your sex right now. Every trail of thought had led to this moment, your hips rising as you are carried off into a wave of intoxicating bliss. Overcome by pleasure as if being lost in a dream.

Suddenly you will be ripped back into the world once more, his world, when you feel that burning sensitivity quiver beneath his tongue, within his mouth. Your body tries to fight it, to repel the addictive, cascading torture being heaped upon it, but your mind knows it is useless; you are his. The shackles deny you the mildest chance to protect your throbbing pussy. The torment you feel now is nothing compared to the knowledge that you are helpless, defenceless to stop the unrelenting feast of your epicentre for as long as your consciousness can withstand. 

You give in to the torrent of pleasure that floods through you; you are nothing more than his orgasm doll. Every twitch, every shudder, every convulsion of pleasure drives you deeper into the realms of wonderful agony that you are buried in.

You won’t break the cuffs. You won’t crawl away. You won’t be given a rest.

You will simply come.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: Surrender of O