Haunted House ‘Touch Pass’

Holly wanted to experience the ‘touching’ option of the haunted house, opting to pay a little more than the average VIP option to experience whatever touching elements this erotic haunted house provided.

For much of the venture into the haunted house, she was a little disappointed in the experience. She thought the displays and props were fantastic and was blown away by how realistic the sexual scenes looked, with actors and actresses being sexually teased and tormented so realistically. However, the disappointment came from how underwhelming the ‘touching’ aspect of her experience was. While venturing through the erotic haunted house, witnessing many sexual scenes and jump scares,  all Holly received were a few touches to the shoulder and back – nothing that would shock or perhaps even arouse her.

At least she still enjoyed how much effort had been put into the costumes and set design. Watching some scenes involving men’s throbbing cocks being teased by zombie nurses, women being forced to orgasm in medical facilities and prisons and hearing the mixture of ghostly wails and screams of ecstasy was enough to arouse her still.

When she was near the end, she finally received what she had hoped for when she purchased the ‘touching allowed’ ticket.

Multiple actors in the ‘mental ward’ area of the haunted house who had jumped out at her suddenly grabbed her and took her off the path and away from any other patrons.

Feeling so many hands tearing the clothes from her body, Holly was ecstatic to finally receive the attention she’d hoped for in the haunted house. As much as she tried to feign fear, trying to blend in with the horror aesthetic and the sounds of ghoulish groans and screams in the background, she still couldn’t contain her grin of excitement as she was entirely stripped and restrained, strapped to some kind of bondage chair.

Already so wet with arousal from the lingering touches, it turned her on even more to realise that she was restrained within a room she herself had passed by as one of the patrons. Her eyes lit up with excitement to see others walking by and looking into the room she was in; she had been turned into part of the attraction. Her arousal to be an exhibition was heightened when one of the asylum ‘lunatics’ stood in front of her with a throbbing erection aimed between her thighs.

With an enthusiastic nod to him, she felt him slip within her waiting sex, clenching him tightly as he thrust intently within. Playing the part well, he fucked her with manic intensity. The other cast members left the room, leaving the pair alone. He wordlessly fucked her, her moans and eventual screams, as she built towards a pinnacle, blended seamlessly with the wails and screams permeating the surroundings. What helped bring her to the brink fastest was the fact that the man kept having to slow down occasionally to prevent himself from coming. Knowing that her body was turning him on so much (along with passers-by) and that her soft, wet pussy was too much for his aching length to handle was such an erotic boost for her.  

When she came, her pussy convulsing around him, she closed her eyes to revel in the ecstasy, to contain it within and indulge in the self-contained majesty of bliss. Once she tried to close her legs instinctively, finding that the restraints would give her no ability to defend her sensitive pussy, she realised that the man wanted to ensure her screams were as authentic as possible. The moment she came down from her pinnacle, the man withdrew and knelt down to devour her pussy like the ravenous beast he was playing.

Even as she strained and writhed and cried out that her pussy was overly sensitive now that she’d climaxed, he wouldn’t stop. He continued to suck and lick and eat her out as if his life depended on it, without acknowledging her. The constant attention to her swollen clitoris and the eyes gazing through the bars at her naked body made sure that even through the intensity of sensations, Holly was still brought to orgasm. It was as if simply thinking about what the guests could see made Holly’s body respond in a way to show off every facet of her sexuality. She came every few minutes as the tongue lashed away at her, thinking about those people seeing her pussy being devoured and how her body jerked while trying to get away from the overstimulation.

The orgasms continued to take her breath away. She was barely able to scream out for mercy, yet wondered if her pleas for a moment of rest could be heard over the sounds throughout the speakers of the haunted house. The thought that he could hear her and simply wasn’t stopping made her come even harder, hard enough to cause her to see stars.

She realised, as she bucked and grinded against his mouth, her pussy juices dripping down his chin, which pressed hard against her sopping wet slit, that she was entirely part of the attraction now. It wouldn’t be until another hour that the haunted house would be closing. She wondered if she’d have to endure his eager mouth and the forced orgasms it thrust upon her for the entire duration. As she pulled uselessly against the restraints, part of her hoped so.

Continue reading Haunted House ‘Touch Pass’

Haunted House ‘Prison’

Forced to come again and again, she tries to hold back the tears of overstimulation for as long as possible.

Made to look like a prisoner being punished, she suffers throughout the night, restrained firmly on top of the Sybian vibrator. The worst is when the visitors of the haunted house get a chance to take over. As patrons of the haunted house walk by, the Sybian is set to a moderate vibration, keeping her slowly building towards the next climax for the guests to witness. Those who paid extra for the VIP pass, however, get the opportunity to take over the control of the Sybian. This is when it’s hardest for her to endure, when practically every guest spends the time turning it onto the maximum setting and leaving it that way for the duration.

Her screams for mercy as the vibrator devastates her oversensitive pussy blends in with the shrieks, bangs, wails and eerie sounds that bleed throughout the haunted house.

All she can do is endure the torment, unable to truly embrace the release of orgasmic joy and instead suffering the wrath of overstimulation. The Sybian drills her to the core; a sizzle of vibration turns into an unceasing earthquake in the hands of the guests.

As much as she tries to beg and plead for a moment of mercy, they view her as a prop in the show, an actress to entertain them.

Granted, she will be paid extra not to break character. She’s always been able to hold it together and earn her bonus. This year would be no different. Through her tears, as she orgasms beyond what she can handle, she pleads for mercy, begs them to stop and says that she’s innocent. She plays the part well.

When one of the staff ties a rope around her waist and hands it to one of the guests, she nearly breaks character as her clitoris suffers the full brunt of the Sybian. No longer able to try and wriggle away from the intense vibration, the passers-by are able to pull her forward and ensure that her swollen red clit is pummeled with stimulation.

Once she could finally breathe, once the crowds began to die down and the orgasms stopped blending into one another, she thought about the next night. She’d spend the next couple of nights abstaining from touching herself, wanting to ensure she didn’t become desensitized to the pleasure. She wanted to experience the complete pleasure of being absolutely at the mercy of the Sybian and the guests. It’s why she comes back every year, to experience it all over again.

Continue reading Haunted House ‘Prison’

“Oh, you thought that was it, that it was going to stop just because you passed out?”

Forced orgasms were all she’d written, all she’d requested. She’d come to wish that she’d added a stipulation for it to stop. Yet there would be no escape. Even her own screams and pleas were not granted the freedom to escape her lips. The only thing that would escape her were the hopes of any mercy. She would simply come, and come, and come again. 

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: Kink

Haunted House (Lily)

Forced orgasms” was all she had written, and it was what she’d receive. Once the haunted house had stolen Lily’s companions from her, she welcomed the presence of the strangers around her, all cloaked in black and leading her to the room. It was foreboding to see the mattress at the centre of the sinister-looking room, though she was thankful that it was warm and rather comfortable once they laid her down on it. She had resigned herself to the fate ahead as they restrained her to it and placed the ball gag in her mouth. 

“You will scream,” whispered one of the figures as the other left. At that, he removed the cloak and looked upon her body with a hunger in his eyes. She shied away from his gaze before he knelt beside her and began his exploration of her pleasure. 

Continue reading Haunted House (Lily)

Haunted House (David)

Laying him down on the table was easy once the zombie nurses whispered to him that he was soon to experience the delights he had written down on the haunted house waiver. The thought of having his cock teased without him being able to stop it aroused him greatly. Once they laid him face down, his cock slipping through a hole in the table, he sensed what was to come, particularly when they strapped the cuffs around his waist, wrists and ankles to hold him helplessly in place.

David still had no idea where his friends were even after spending the last ten minutes searching for them through the maze of pitch-black corridors. He had welcomed the clutches of the performers once they found him, particularly once they started to strip him, though they never told him where the others were, no matter how much he quizzed them. Just as he felt something touch his exposed manhood, speakers began to play the moans and screams of the friends who had vanished. Those sounds alone aided the slight touches in stiffening his sensitive length.

Continue reading Haunted House (David)

Just remember, as you walk through the Haunted House, that even though the screams may fade out as you gain some distance, for her, it does not stop. Her screams linger throughout the night. Her convulsions of ecstasy and orgasmic squeals will not end until the appetite of this wicked place has been sated. Go ahead and walk along… run if you must; just know that it may be you crying out in tortured bliss soon enough.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: DDF Network

Haunted House (Stephanie)

Toys Multiple-Orgasms Bondage. Stephanie couldn’t decide what fantasy turned her on the most, the waiver form showing clearly that she had many desires on her mind. The Haunted House did not want to deny her any satisfaction.

When Stephanie and the remaining companions entered a room full of smoke, they all started to become drowsy.

“We need to get out of here,” yelled one of her friends.

As they all began to sprint through the room, a case of the blind following the blind as they aimlessly pressed onward, Stephanie became sluggish and fell behind, succumbing the most to the effects of the smoke, which seemed to possess the quality of sleeping gas. Once the rest of the group exited the room, only just about making it out before giving in to unconsciousness, they realised Stephanie was gone. They did not dare venture back, leaving the sleeping girl to whatever fate the haunted house had in store for her.

Continue reading Haunted House (Stephanie)

Haunted House (Jessica)

Jessica and her friends had ventured to the PleasureTorture Haunted House, having heard so much about it, how exciting and surreal the experience was. Apart from the praise, they had received little other information about what actually happened within, with each personal encounter being very unforthcoming with details, except merely stating that everyone has an entirely different experience. Once they all finally arrived and signed the waivers, it was time to begin. The strangest question within the paperwork was being asked what their deepest fantasies were, though they had already expected this to be unlike anything before. 

The first portion of the haunted house was similar to most others, though with a lot more physical contact and a lot more intense scares. Their hearts were pumping from all of the extremely realistic and shocking jump scares lurking around the many corners and hiding places. Occasionally the girls found themselves being touched a little more intimately than they had expected, though the next abrupt scare left them forgetting about it fast. All they had known beforehand was that there would be a distinctly erotic element to the maze of horrors, yet aside from the occasional lingering touch from hands embedded within the walls and from the performers, they found themselves being scared a lot more frequently than expected. 

It was when one of the girls found herself picked off and dragged silently from the others that things changed. While the others left behind would soon call out Jessica’s name to no avail and huddle together closer, they also would soon find themselves taken one by one. Jessica was the first to feel the real delight of the haunted house. She had given just a little insight on the waiver forms about how she’d always wanted to be manhandled by a couple of strangers; now she’d experience exactly what she had fantasised about. The figures held her down and tormented her as silently as they’d captured her. Completely overpowered by the two figures, she was helpless against those penetrative fingers, exploring her so deeply without letting her rest. It took no time at all for her body to catch up with the desires of her mind as within minutes, Jessica came harder than she ever had in her life, as if they’d tapped into her most primal desire. Held down so tightly, however, there was nothing she could do to stop them from giving her what she had always craved time and time again. She could play along and scream for them to stop, but they knew exactly what she inwardly yearned for.

Jessica was the first to experience what the Haunted House held within, yet the others would also succumb very soon…

Continue reading Haunted House (Jessica)