Comfort, security, warmth, relaxation… these are some of the most important aspects to ensure the most wonderful masturbation and pleasure. Comfort must be your reality.

However, in your fantasies, in your erotic imagination, you can concoct the most wicked and intense scenarios. When you next touch and tease yourself, you can imagine the helplessness, the lack of control. Restrained and unable to escape, unable to cry out or give any word or signal for it to cease. Trapped and helpless to do anything other than whimper, moan and cry in torturous ecstasy.

The vibrator pressed to your intimacy, unforgiving and unstoppable. Forced to endure orgasms that melt your body and sap your will. There is no mercy. There is no escape. The orgasms continue far beyond your ability to cope with them, far beyond your capability to endure the assault of brutal pleasure. Perhaps your fantasy pushes you further, not letting your fantasy self experience the relief of your sex becoming desensitised and numb to the vibrations. Instead, you imagine it going on and on until you see yourself passing out repeatedly from the cruel ordeal, always waking to the unending barrage of sensations drilling your body and punishing your clit.

Your reality is heavenly. Your fantasy is hellish.

You won’t feel any less comfort, yet you’ll feel so much more intensity.

As much as you try to match the pleasure of your fantasy in reality, you’ll always fail. Yet, the attempt will always be wonderful.

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‘Erotic Forced-Orgasm Ordeal’

You knew it would be too much, but you still let yourself give in to your fantasy and make it a reality. The scenario you had chosen, ‘erotic forced orgasm ordeal’, would have been enough on its own, but agreeing to not masturbate for the two entire weeks before it was scheduled was taking it to a new extreme. You had barely managed to last more than one week in the past when you had imposed your own little denial sessions. Yet you still managed to claw your way through the full two weeks. The desire to touch yourself had been so overwhelming, the way your pussy always throbbed just a little, even at the slightest hint of sexuality in your day-to-day life. So much of the day was spent focused on that soft little area between your thighs and all of the things that could be done to it. 

Once the time came and they tied you in place, you inwardly wished you had opted for the in-person session, just to feel those hands press to you, just for someone to do anything to you. Even if it were only going to be minutes before your orgasm, it was still not soon enough. You imagined to yourself that the ball gag was just to make sure that the organisers couldn’t hear your pleasure, a way to suppress their desires and ignore your pleas, to stop themselves from coming in and fucking you all night long. The thought had your sex dripping already. 

Once the vibrator was set in place, you were left alone. You were so turned on that you could quite easily have come just from grinding against the head of it. It turned on before you could test that theory, however, and in seconds, you were screaming in your first orgasm. That pent-up orgasm that you’d been holding back for those weeks. As if every day of arousal had been stored for this very moment to explode from you fiercely enough to knock you out. The power of the vibrator took your breath away, leaving you very few moments to catch your breath as it continued its merciless work. It was so good it hurt, yet that orgasm did not subside, so drawn out and agonising in its splendour. 

Now you know why you picked this scenario, wanting to feel all aspects of human empathy taken out of the equation, to live out your fantasy of being tortured with pleasure. This was torture. The way it was held in place so fiercely against your pussy made it so much worse. If only there was some give, maybe that would make it a little more bearable.

Even with your sex so sensitive, it continued to penetrate you to the core with those unforgiving vibrations. So sensitive, yet you needed more, and it was happy to oblige.

The second orgasm made you pull fiercely on the restraints, your body wanting to escape the torment that your mind was willing on. The next couple of orgasms, however, seemed to mesh into one. Just a barrage of over-stimulation that forced your tenderness to surrender to the orgasm. Having denied yourself for so long, though, you were more sensitive than ever. No amount of edging yourself and masturbating past your limit could ever have prepared you. The vibrator would not slow down or soften its touch no matter how much you began screaming out. Your only request was to be left until you were literally in tears of pleasure, then to be left for another twenty minutes after that. 

While you feel the trickle of pussy juice along your buttocks, while your extremities shake against the restraints, while your clitoris pulsates in need to escape the onslaught, part of you wishes that your tears began streaming after just the first orgasm. 

Continue reading ‘Erotic Forced-Orgasm Ordeal’


She had been told to masturbate to the edge in front of her lover’s gaze every night, holding herself back and showing how much she could control it. Now she was paying for the mistake of giving in to her urge to keep going. She was not stopped, instead, those hungry eyes fed on seeing her yield to desperation, already knowing how to punish her properly.

There was a sadistic glee in seeing her tortured with unyielding pleasure, a pleasure so intense it verged on pain. How those hips had rocked and swayed in pleasure when she came the other night. Now she was being made to suffer, held immobile, desperate to thrust her hips and pull her body in all directions, yet unable to move an inch away from the buzzing torture device she once thought of as merely a toy.

“That’s it… you wanted to come, didn’t you? Now you can have all the orgasms you want, sweetie, plus you don’t have to worry about that powerful vibrator moving away from your pussy. It’s a good job I put the ball gag in; I’ve never heard you scream like that! Good girl, I think I’ll just sit here and watch you suffer from orgasm after orgasm…such a wonderful sight.”

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: PerfectSlave

The Service

To be forced to orgasm beyond her limits, a concept that she could not have comprehended, would become a reality, yet when she laid eyes on the website listing the services available, she wanted to jump into the experience with both feet.

Now she realised how naïve she had been not to tread cautiously, having envisioned simply a night of erotic stimulation and the constant stream of orgasms, the reality had surfaced; she was being engulfed in pleasure so intense it was torturing her beyond comprehension.

Unending and unwavering, trapped in a prison of ecstasy.

As expected, once she arrived at the hotel room she had chosen to carry out the session in, she was stripped and restrained instantly. Even as the ball gag was put in place to stop her screams from resounding throughout the hotel, all she could think about was the orgasms in store. It was only when the vibrator was strapped to her that she realised this could be more intense than expected; the way it clasped so tightly to her already wet pussy made her tingle at the thought of not being able to escape the vibrations.

As she had requested, the man who tied her did not interact with her. He simply made sure she was secured and helpless to stop the vibrator from working her body relentlessly. It was only after the first orgasm hit her hard and suddenly that she realised just how much of an effect having such unyielding vibrations against her post-orgasmic clitoris truly would be. Having thought that the sensations would rise and fall again and again, this was a shock; to feel the vibrations drill through her clitoris was too much to handle. Each climax afterwards seemed to hit harder than the last, no matter how much she tried to scream out and pull on the restraints, nothing would give in. Orgasm after orgasm torn from her body without mercy, this was what it was to truly be forced to orgasm.

This was the joyous torment that she had long fantasised about, never expecting it to become a reality, yet if she knew it would feel like this, never would she have selected the service to last for a full hour.

Continue reading The Service

Test subject: 0095

Observing the subject using regular vibrators on herself had shown that over-stimulation caused for the girl to stop 2.00 minutes post-orgasm. This device, referred to solely as the ‘Amplified Vibrator’ has proven effective in pushing the subject past previous points of over-stimulation. The device maintains a low vibration consistently without fault until the first orgasm is achieved, after each subsequent orgasm, the vibrations increase. Due to the increase in vibrations after each orgasm, which in turn leaves the subject’s sex in a more sensitive state, it is advised that all future test subjects will also need to be restrained to continue observation.

37.00 minutes of stimulation have proven to elicit responses which had previously not been experienced by the subject. The scanners show very high physiological effects with the continued use of the Amplifying Vibrator, though attempts to draw coherent responses from her have been useless, indicating that cognitive processes are focused solely on the sensations of the device.  Any attempts by the examiner to communicate with the girl have been met with screams and pleas for the vibrator to be moved away. The agonised screams correlate with instances of extreme pleasure, which indicate that the vibrator continues circulating her orgasmic state; the device has been left pressed firmly against the subject’s vaginal opening and clitoris throughout.

Preliminary interviews show that subject 0095 rarely experienced an orgasm in her private life and gets too sensitive to have more than 1 orgasm during masturbation. So far 8 orgasms have been registered, with the vibrator increasing in intensity after each one without fault. The subject is registering a level of intense pleasure which she has never experienced before, causing for her to scream for it to stop.

Readings certify that orgasm no. 9 is nearing; I will continue the test to see if the highest intensity of the vibrator can be reached, therefore another 11 orgasms will be needed. The likelihood of this occurring before the subject loses consciousness is low. I request that further tests are carried out using this device.

Continue reading Test subject: 0095

“We know how these lustful thoughts, these erotic visions, always cloud your mind… how they seem to rule your life… we can cure you, we can set you free of the constant search for stimulation. Let us help you.”

Every day she knew it was to come, yet never could she truly prepare herself for what was in store for her. Like clockwork, she moaned out and screamed to no avail.

Locked away in the unit, she was completely at their mercy, succumbing to their ‘therapy’ every single day. Restrained and helpless, the powerful vibrator fastened against her swollen, red, delicate pussy for what must have been hours at a time. They said it was to cure her, to exorcize the cravings for sex, yet the end never seemed in sight.

In the night, she would hear the screams of pleasure from others like her, the echoes of lust; by the morning, she knew it was soon to be her turn.

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The camera pans around her, allowing the viewers to linger on her naked, taut body. Just as her fantasy dictated, kidnapped for the pleasure of everyone watching online, she will find no mercy here. The muffled screams are heard only by the viewers of this cruel display.

Unable to move her limbs or the unforgiving vibrator away at all, her only ability is to shudder and clench every muscle, feeling every orgasm tear her further away from the hope of release. She cannot even beg, in the hope that it may curb their desire to torment her further.

Left alone with the automated camera, there is no sign of compassion for her to cling to. Even if there is any mercy from the viewers, it is not being shown, as the chime of another donation being sent to the website is heard.

The sound delights the viewers, who all know exactly what it means. Each donation adds more time onto how long the girl will be kept like this, how much longer she will suffer the vibrators wraith.

She has no idea how much longer it will last.

Again, another donation… another hour of torment….

…It will be a long, long night.

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