The camera pans around her, allowing the viewers to linger on her naked, taut body. Just as her fantasy dictated, kidnapped for the pleasure of everyone watching online, she will find no mercy here. The muffled screams are heard only by the viewers of this cruel display.

Unable to move her limbs or the unforgiving vibrator away at all, her only ability is to shudder and clench every muscle, feeling every orgasm tear her further away from the hope of release. She cannot even beg, in the hope that it may curb their desire to torment her further.

Left alone with the automated camera, there is no sign of compassion for her to cling to. Even if there is any mercy from the viewers, it is not being shown, as the chime of another donation being sent to the website is heard.

The sound delights the viewers, who all know exactly what it means. Each donation adds more time onto how long the girl will be kept like this, how much longer she will suffer the vibrators wraith.

She has no idea how much longer it will last.

Again, another donation… another hour of torment….

…It will be a long, long night.

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