
She had been told to masturbate to the edge in front of her lover’s gaze every night, holding herself back and showing how much she could control it. Now she was paying for the mistake of giving in to her urge to keep going. She was not stopped, instead, those hungry eyes fed on seeing her yield to desperation, already knowing how to punish her properly.

There was a sadistic glee in seeing her tortured with unyielding pleasure, a pleasure so intense it verged on pain. How those hips had rocked and swayed in pleasure when she came the other night. Now she was being made to suffer, held immobile, desperate to thrust her hips and pull her body in all directions, yet unable to move an inch away from the buzzing torture device she once thought of as merely a toy.

“That’s it… you wanted to come, didn’t you? Now you can have all the orgasms you want, sweetie, plus you don’t have to worry about that powerful vibrator moving away from your pussy. It’s a good job I put the ball gag in; I’ve never heard you scream like that! Good girl, I think I’ll just sit here and watch you suffer from orgasm after orgasm…such a wonderful sight.”

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: PerfectSlave

“Oh, you thought that was it, that it was going to stop just because you passed out?”

Forced orgasms were all she’d written, all she’d requested. She’d come to wish that she’d added a stipulation for it to stop. Yet there would be no escape. Even her own screams and pleas were not granted the freedom to escape her lips. The only thing that would escape her were the hopes of any mercy. She would simply come, and come, and come again. 

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: Kink

Haunted House (Lily)

Forced orgasms” was all she had written, and it was what she’d receive. Once the haunted house had stolen Lily’s companions from her, she welcomed the presence of the strangers around her, all cloaked in black and leading her to the room. It was foreboding to see the mattress at the centre of the sinister-looking room, though she was thankful that it was warm and rather comfortable once they laid her down on it. She had resigned herself to the fate ahead as they restrained her to it and placed the ball gag in her mouth. 

“You will scream,” whispered one of the figures as the other left. At that, he removed the cloak and looked upon her body with a hunger in his eyes. She shied away from his gaze before he knelt beside her and began his exploration of her pleasure. 

Continue reading Haunted House (Lily)

Just remember, as you walk through the Haunted House, that even though the screams may fade out as you gain some distance, for her, it does not stop. Her screams linger throughout the night. Her convulsions of ecstasy and orgasmic squeals will not end until the appetite of this wicked place has been sated. Go ahead and walk along… run if you must; just know that it may be you crying out in tortured bliss soon enough.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: DDF Network

Haunted House (Stephanie)

Toys Multiple-Orgasms Bondage. Stephanie couldn’t decide what fantasy turned her on the most, the waiver form showing clearly that she had many desires on her mind. The Haunted House did not want to deny her any satisfaction.

When Stephanie and the remaining companions entered a room full of smoke, they all started to become drowsy.

“We need to get out of here,” yelled one of her friends.

As they all began to sprint through the room, a case of the blind following the blind as they aimlessly pressed onward, Stephanie became sluggish and fell behind, succumbing the most to the effects of the smoke, which seemed to possess the quality of sleeping gas. Once the rest of the group exited the room, only just about making it out before giving in to unconsciousness, they realised Stephanie was gone. They did not dare venture back, leaving the sleeping girl to whatever fate the haunted house had in store for her.

Continue reading Haunted House (Stephanie)

He told her that he would bring her to the pinnacle of orgasm for at least an hour. The sensation was unlike anything; she simply giggled at first, unsure how to react to such sensations. After a while, she began to realise that this burning need would not simply fade, but by that time, it was too late to stop…

As the second hour of denial passed, her giggles became desperate cries for release… cries for an orgasm that would not come. If only she knew how it felt to be trapped in this torment for so long before she agreed to it.

Continue reading

Lying there motionless even though every inch of you feels like it is trembling. You try to contain yourself, to take back ownership of your body.

You had expected a wild night out, but never did you expect to be taking someone back with you; there was an intensity to him that seemed to ignite your desires instantly. Once you were both alone in your room, it caught you off guard when he told you not to undress when things began to get heated. Even then, as your lips locked and your hands explored one another, you could sense there was a presence of mind to him unlike any other. There was no desperate fumble to disrobe you, no instant dash to penetrate you; instead there was simply the slow, attentive touch of someone who wanted to savour every moment. 

The way he teased your body so effortlessly made your insides melt with longing: he seemed to realise this, taking your hands suddenly and tying them with his belt. You trembled as that feeling of pure submission washed over you, yet still he took his time, pinning you down and teasing through your clothes. Once his fingers slid under your panties, you cried out with pleasure, yet still he didn’t let you come, choosing instead to bring you close over and over again. The more you begged and pleaded, the more those fingers slowed down and explored at his leisure and delight. Your pleasure was his to command, and when he stood up to get the sex toys in your drawer, you knew that tonight you were going to climax harder than ever before in your life.

Submitted to and Written by: PleasureTorture

Image by: asubmissiveintraining