Rookie Cheerleader

“You know why I’m here… If you want to truly be one of us, you’ve got to know who is in charge.”

The team leader had planned to pay a visit to this rookie cheerleader’s apartment for some time. Now that she had her all to herself, she was going to take her time playing with her prey. The newcomer was certainly talented during rehearsals, though to truly test her, there was only one way to be sure that she’d be the right pick for the team.

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She had often mentioned to her boyfriend how she fantasised about playing with other women; never did she dream that her fantasy would be lived out unexpectedly on a spa break. She certainly noticed him having a lengthy chat with these two ladies over the weekend, though she wouldn’t have believed that they were discussing when would be the right opportunity to take her, strip her, and all have their way with her.

“If nobody hears us, we’ll have plenty of time alone with you here, so I’ve told these girls they can go extra slowly with you. I know it feels good, sweetheart, but we can’t afford to let you come in case anyone hears us in here. I know how loud you are.”

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You had heard of the service they offered, always curious of how a Sybian would feel, to straddle something so powerful and unforgiving. The prospect of being able to book a session with not only a Sybian but also having someone there to aid you was like a dream come true.

After booking it online, your heart was racing with excitement when the doorbell rang; an attractive man carrying both the Sybian vibrator and a large mirror had arrived. You realised what the mirror was for once you finally stripped and mounted the machine. Once he sat behind you and caressed your body while you gazed at yourself, you were ecstatic. It turned you on so much more to see yourself in such a state of ecstasy. Once you felt the immense power of the vibrations nestled deeply between your inner thighs, you were in heaven. Once his hands began to hold you firmly down, whispering that he’ll keep you held in place after every orgasm – even when you felt like you might not be able to take any more – you knew you were in for the ride of your life.

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