Her Sweet Torment

Helplessly, all she could do was give in to the desires ceaselessly coursing through her body. Restrained and blindfolded, even the slightest touch from our fingertips sent a surge throughout. Never had her pleasure been so out of her own hands, to be so out of her own control.

We kept her on the edge for what felt like hours, never giving the mercy she pleaded for. Relentlessly tortured, as however much she screamed in pleasure, it was never enough to satisfy our desires.

As the wand pulled away, she begged for more until the moment that pulsing vibration settled between her legs once again, taking her breath away. Arching her back, tensing her body, hoping that this will be the moment… but again, her torment continued.

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It isn’t merely the act itself that keeps you dripping with arousal. It’s knowing that you are the centre of our attention, the focal point of our lust and desire. That is why we haven’t let you climax quite yet. We want to keep you right at the point that we enjoy most, the moment where your own attention is on the same thing as ours, your pleasure. Where your orgasm is all your mind can focus on, the inescapable need. It keeps your pussy so wet, your clitoris so sensitive, and your moans so sweet. 

I just love when you don’t know which one of us you should beg to, which one of us might say the word you crave, ‘Come’.

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University of Erotic Artistry

Her first tour of the premises was one she would never forget. The first taste of the torments that awaited within the University of Erotic Artistry.

The classrooms within had been what she expected, with plenty of seminars underway exploring erotic poetry, live nude model painting classes and lectures examining the role of sexuality within the media. What she was met with at a room labelled  ‘discipline room’, however, truly made her realise the extent to which sexuality embodied everything within the premises, both the curriculum itself as well as the punishments for those who disobey the rules or fall behind on coursework and assignments.

A lady was sitting at a table, lightly adding the last details to a beautiful, intricate painting of female genitalia. Wondering how working on this painting was a punishment, the woman then turned to her and spoke.

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