Haunted House ‘Touch Pass’

Holly wanted to experience the ‘touching’ option of the haunted house, opting to pay a little more than the average VIP option to experience whatever touching elements this erotic haunted house provided.

For much of the venture into the haunted house, she was a little disappointed in the experience. She thought the displays and props were fantastic and was blown away by how realistic the sexual scenes looked, with actors and actresses being sexually teased and tormented so realistically. However, the disappointment came from how underwhelming the ‘touching’ aspect of her experience was. While venturing through the erotic haunted house, witnessing many sexual scenes and jump scares,  all Holly received were a few touches to the shoulder and back – nothing that would shock or perhaps even arouse her.

At least she still enjoyed how much effort had been put into the costumes and set design. Watching some scenes involving men’s throbbing cocks being teased by zombie nurses, women being forced to orgasm in medical facilities and prisons and hearing the mixture of ghostly wails and screams of ecstasy was enough to arouse her still.

When she was near the end, she finally received what she had hoped for when she purchased the ‘touching allowed’ ticket.

Multiple actors in the ‘mental ward’ area of the haunted house who had jumped out at her suddenly grabbed her and took her off the path and away from any other patrons.

Feeling so many hands tearing the clothes from her body, Holly was ecstatic to finally receive the attention she’d hoped for in the haunted house. As much as she tried to feign fear, trying to blend in with the horror aesthetic and the sounds of ghoulish groans and screams in the background, she still couldn’t contain her grin of excitement as she was entirely stripped and restrained, strapped to some kind of bondage chair.

Already so wet with arousal from the lingering touches, it turned her on even more to realise that she was restrained within a room she herself had passed by as one of the patrons. Her eyes lit up with excitement to see others walking by and looking into the room she was in; she had been turned into part of the attraction. Her arousal to be an exhibition was heightened when one of the asylum ‘lunatics’ stood in front of her with a throbbing erection aimed between her thighs.

With an enthusiastic nod to him, she felt him slip within her waiting sex, clenching him tightly as he thrust intently within. Playing the part well, he fucked her with manic intensity. The other cast members left the room, leaving the pair alone. He wordlessly fucked her, her moans and eventual screams, as she built towards a pinnacle, blended seamlessly with the wails and screams permeating the surroundings. What helped bring her to the brink fastest was the fact that the man kept having to slow down occasionally to prevent himself from coming. Knowing that her body was turning him on so much (along with passers-by) and that her soft, wet pussy was too much for his aching length to handle was such an erotic boost for her.  

When she came, her pussy convulsing around him, she closed her eyes to revel in the ecstasy, to contain it within and indulge in the self-contained majesty of bliss. Once she tried to close her legs instinctively, finding that the restraints would give her no ability to defend her sensitive pussy, she realised that the man wanted to ensure her screams were as authentic as possible. The moment she came down from her pinnacle, the man withdrew and knelt down to devour her pussy like the ravenous beast he was playing.

Even as she strained and writhed and cried out that her pussy was overly sensitive now that she’d climaxed, he wouldn’t stop. He continued to suck and lick and eat her out as if his life depended on it, without acknowledging her. The constant attention to her swollen clitoris and the eyes gazing through the bars at her naked body made sure that even through the intensity of sensations, Holly was still brought to orgasm. It was as if simply thinking about what the guests could see made Holly’s body respond in a way to show off every facet of her sexuality. She came every few minutes as the tongue lashed away at her, thinking about those people seeing her pussy being devoured and how her body jerked while trying to get away from the overstimulation.

The orgasms continued to take her breath away. She was barely able to scream out for mercy, yet wondered if her pleas for a moment of rest could be heard over the sounds throughout the speakers of the haunted house. The thought that he could hear her and simply wasn’t stopping made her come even harder, hard enough to cause her to see stars.

She realised, as she bucked and grinded against his mouth, her pussy juices dripping down his chin, which pressed hard against her sopping wet slit, that she was entirely part of the attraction now. It wouldn’t be until another hour that the haunted house would be closing. She wondered if she’d have to endure his eager mouth and the forced orgasms it thrust upon her for the entire duration. As she pulled uselessly against the restraints, part of her hoped so.

Continue reading Haunted House ‘Touch Pass’

‘Erotic Forced-Orgasm Ordeal’

You knew it would be too much, but you still let yourself give in to your fantasy and make it a reality. The scenario you had chosen, ‘erotic forced orgasm ordeal’, would have been enough on its own, but agreeing to not masturbate for the two entire weeks before it was scheduled was taking it to a new extreme. You had barely managed to last more than one week in the past when you had imposed your own little denial sessions. Yet you still managed to claw your way through the full two weeks. The desire to touch yourself had been so overwhelming, the way your pussy always throbbed just a little, even at the slightest hint of sexuality in your day-to-day life. So much of the day was spent focused on that soft little area between your thighs and all of the things that could be done to it. 

Once the time came and they tied you in place, you inwardly wished you had opted for the in-person session, just to feel those hands press to you, just for someone to do anything to you. Even if it were only going to be minutes before your orgasm, it was still not soon enough. You imagined to yourself that the ball gag was just to make sure that the organisers couldn’t hear your pleasure, a way to suppress their desires and ignore your pleas, to stop themselves from coming in and fucking you all night long. The thought had your sex dripping already. 

Once the vibrator was set in place, you were left alone. You were so turned on that you could quite easily have come just from grinding against the head of it. It turned on before you could test that theory, however, and in seconds, you were screaming in your first orgasm. That pent-up orgasm that you’d been holding back for those weeks. As if every day of arousal had been stored for this very moment to explode from you fiercely enough to knock you out. The power of the vibrator took your breath away, leaving you very few moments to catch your breath as it continued its merciless work. It was so good it hurt, yet that orgasm did not subside, so drawn out and agonising in its splendour. 

Now you know why you picked this scenario, wanting to feel all aspects of human empathy taken out of the equation, to live out your fantasy of being tortured with pleasure. This was torture. The way it was held in place so fiercely against your pussy made it so much worse. If only there was some give, maybe that would make it a little more bearable.

Even with your sex so sensitive, it continued to penetrate you to the core with those unforgiving vibrations. So sensitive, yet you needed more, and it was happy to oblige.

The second orgasm made you pull fiercely on the restraints, your body wanting to escape the torment that your mind was willing on. The next couple of orgasms, however, seemed to mesh into one. Just a barrage of over-stimulation that forced your tenderness to surrender to the orgasm. Having denied yourself for so long, though, you were more sensitive than ever. No amount of edging yourself and masturbating past your limit could ever have prepared you. The vibrator would not slow down or soften its touch no matter how much you began screaming out. Your only request was to be left until you were literally in tears of pleasure, then to be left for another twenty minutes after that. 

While you feel the trickle of pussy juice along your buttocks, while your extremities shake against the restraints, while your clitoris pulsates in need to escape the onslaught, part of you wishes that your tears began streaming after just the first orgasm. 

Continue reading ‘Erotic Forced-Orgasm Ordeal’

For so long, you’ll think that it’s about teasing you. You’ll think that is why I restrained you. Those delicious little moments when you sway those hips and tense that cute ass of yours, hoping to entice me to let you come. Perhaps in those minutes, while you aren’t quite teetering on the brink, you’ll wonder whether you’ll handle the orgasm to follow, whether I’ll push you too much, but that passes; your need to orgasm pushes all else aside. 

It’s during those most intense periods when it’s hard to tell whether that shine to your skin is still just from the massage oil or from sweat; that is when the real begging starts. But it is just before the first orgasm hits you, just when my fingers slip within you, that you realise that the bonds that hold you are going to feel just that bit tighter very soon. 

At first, you don’t pull so hard, simply caught up in the pure rapture that encases you. However, when you come down and realise it isn’t stopping, then you know there’s no going back. They feel so tight around your wrists and legs, as if every orgasm tightens them just that little more as if it’s the rope itself that wants to torture you. No matter whether it is the fingers or the vibrator working your pussy to a frenzy over and over again, every time you orgasm, your sex feels just that little more exposed and helpless. 

You keep asking yourself the question whether, after I have used the vibrator and after I’ve used my fingers to make you scream out, I’ll let you go. You should instead be asking yourself, once she’s used the vibrator and her fingers on me, will she then use her mouth?

After all, why do you think I restrained you so securely like this?

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You have no idea how long I’m going to force you to orgasm or how hard I’m going to press the vibrator to your already oversensitive clitoris. All you know is that the longer I keep you on the edge like this, the more intense it is going to be. That wonderfully erotic mixture of apprehension and anticipation for how it’s going to finally feel, nothing is more of a turn-on. 

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It is all the little things that have such an effect. The way you can pull against those restraints, feeling that little bit of give. That fraction of hope that you can protect yourself, yet ultimately not being able to do so, adding so much more to your helplessness as I torment that most delicate place.

The blindfold keeps your imagination racing; even though you know exactly where I am and what I am doing to you, the darkness lets you fantasise about so much more. Your mind is free to linger on every fine detail of what my mouth unleashes upon your tenderness. 

With those panties left on, you have just one little layer of fabric protecting your sex. Of course, the reason I’ve left them on is that I want you to wonder – if it feels this good, this intense now, how is it going to feel when my lips are pressing deeply against your soft, exposed pussy. 

All these things come together to devastate every inch of you. 

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She wanted to experience the most intense desire possible, to be utterly tortured with pleasure; she was going to get it. Restrained entirely to lock her into this prison of ecstasy, she could only shudder and writhe in response to the constant vibration radiating throughout her sex. The tape over her eyes kept her focused solely on the sounds of the earphones, the continuous sounds of pleasure, which further added to the torment. All she could do was picture the source of such sounds; women masturbating to long desired orgasms, men thrusting themselves deep into those hot wet little pussies until the soft slapping sounds of hard penetration unleashed their longings. 

The tape over her mouth, however, made the ordeal much crueller. While she could not plead or beg, even her moans were to be locked away. Any time she moaned or made any sound of pleasure, the vibrator was taken away just enough for the welling orgasm to recede before being placed back on her frustrated pussy. Being completely unaware of her surroundings and shielded from the external sounds due to the tape and the earphones, keeping herself in check was even harder, causing the occasional whimper of pleasure to spill forth. This, of course, meant her orgasm was itself prevented from spilling forth. Being so sensitive to the intensity of the vibrator, made even more fierce by the unspeakably erotic situation with which she was helplessly captive, the cycle seemed to never end. Finally, she had experienced the pleasure she had so yearned for, to be brought to the pinnacle of what she could handle, the utmost frustration of edging and denial. Though now she could not speak out or scream that it was too much, that she’d reached her limit, she was forced to endure it for so much longer than she ever thought possible.

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“As you can both see, the combination of the restraints and having us all present at once elicits much more intense physical and verbal responses.  She had come to us seeking aid in achieving orgasm, as she had been unable to do so with another person present. However, there seems to be no such issue as I have been able to repeatedly bring her to the verge of climax with stimulation through vibration. Patience was the only real factor that needed to be addressed. If either of you is wondering, the reason why I haven’t made her actually orgasm yet is so that the moment can be heightened as much as possible. She has been begging for quite some time now. We’ll keep this going until she truly cannot take any more, then she’ll truly experience an orgasm unlike any other. I suggest we try and see if we can force her to endure more after that. 

I’m sorry, my dear. No matter how much you beg it, won’t make any difference.”

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source: realtickling (linkable source unknown)