Demon in the Ceiling

Sleep was the last bastion of relief. This was no longer the case.

You’d always feel my demonic presence in your bedroom. I would see you looking up and around so often, sensing me but never seeing me. I’d wrap those coils of lust around you daily, teasing you every time you entered and not letting go. The fetching attire you’d strip down to, fueling my desire to torment you further. Those racing fingertips, unable to bring yourself beyond the pinnacle. My prisoner of passion. So many times you writhed and begged, hoping and praying that I’d relent and show you some mercy and lift the curse. Little did you know that those whimpers and screams for mercy sealed your fate further, ensuring I’d make this place my home for many years.

Continue reading Demon in the Ceiling

A Halloween Feast

You may try and capture their existence with cameras, but they will make their presence known far more intimately tonight. Hear the demonic whispers as on this Halloween night pleasure becomes your treat… and your nightmare. The feeling of cuffs on your wrists and hands holding you down as you sleep certainly aren’t just in your mind…

An audio/visual experiment, capturing Nova Gold taken hold by a supernatural entity on Halloween night.

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Model: Nova Gold

The Village Ritual

The flame of pleasure once again scorches through her, though again it is not enough. All she can do is grind up and down on the rock-hard member that continues to feed on her ecstasy. The demons needed her to continue, and they wouldn’t be satisfied until they had their fill.

Every year she had to perform the same ritual for the sake of her village. There was no telling what these beings would do if they were unleashed upon the village to search and satiate their appetite, so she did what she must every year – offer herself as the sacrifice to their lustful needs.

For the entire night, they use her body one after the other, caressing, groping and penetrating her, each year growing more accustomed to just what turns her on the most. Although she is used to it now, however, the first time was quite a shock, a level of torment that she had not expected. The demons fed solely off of her pleasure, therefore, every time she came, that orgasm was sapped from her into the beings. Not only was the orgasm taken from her in the sense of its energy, but also the very sensation itself, meaning that every time she came, only the first millisecond of it could be felt before it was stolen so cruelly from her. The first couple of years were torture – when she had originally submitted herself to be the martyr of the village – now she knew exactly what to expect, though it never made it any easier to withstand.

In order to build up enough sexual energy for it, she abstained from sex for most of the year, meaning she came very few times throughout the year, making it all the more difficult to endure this torment of being kept from experiencing a full orgasm. The demons, of course, seemed to enjoy this sense of torment, making sure she had little rest. There was no denying that it was a pleasure, unlike anything else, for her to be the very centre of such sexual energy, to have her own body being the object of their lust and very being. Even the minuscule bout of pleasure from the orgasm torn from her was enough to keep her wanting the next – if only they’d give her respite just once, to let her enjoy it just that one time.

Continue reading The Village Ritual


She had never truly expected the spell to work, to summon a demon to do her bidding, though it seemed worth just at least trying it if there was a chance of being in possession of power that would make her life so much easier and richer. However, it was far too late to turn back once she realised that it wasn’t a mystical aide that she’d summoned, but a demon of lust.

Before she could even begin a plea for him to spare her, he had already gripped her and transported them instantly back to his kingdom.

“In my world, there is no time, I can keep you here for the human equivalent of 100 years and still summon you back to your world without a second having passed. I will only send you back once I have had my fill.”

Continue reading Summoned

Christmas Night

On the night of Christmas, she came to grant his wish, though it would last far beyond merely just the night. Awakened from such a gentle sleep, he was already fully strapped down and helpless for his dream situation. She said nothing; there was no need. Her touches would convey everything needed. Every year, she would fulfil a lucky man’s greatest desire. 

Just the lightest touch from her felt like an electric shock of sheer ecstasy, so intense that he was almost worried how it would feel once she pressed her entire hand around it, or even her mouth. He’d soon find out, though, that her sexual power was far beyond what he’d ever have imagined, that there would be no way of coming until she willed it upon him, no matter how much he could take. When he started to beg and shout out for release, the only response he’d continue to be met with was that same lustful gaze. She could keep him safely erect for as long as she desired. That would be enough to communicate her intent.

After the hours passed, in those brief moments when he could think of anything except the unbearable need for the orgasm trapped away, in the spare few seconds not spent hopelessly pleading with her to let him come, he wondered whether to call her an angel… or a demon. 

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: Klixen


Strip naked, lie back, and give yourself to the pleasure demon on this dark and stormy night…

Forced Orgasms

Soundgasm link (in case audio file does not work correctly).

Orgasm Denial

Soundgasm link (in case audio file does not work correctly).

Ruined Orgasms

Soundgasm link (in case audio file does not work correctly).


If only she could do something to stop it, to even be able to speak and beg for its mercy. The demon, however, would not even give the mercy of letting her scream out from the sensations tearing throughout her body.

The tape still covered her, the necessary markings to summon the demon. How foolish she had been. The spell-book had stated that it would grant her a single wish, yet occasionally, the being repeated the same message it had used to greet her once she had summoned it.

“Pitiful human female. Long has passed since I have bestowed gifts of power and wealth to your kind. You dare bring me back with such demands. Let this punishment be a reminder that I am not your lackey.”

Nothing other than this was conveyed. Unable to speak, the only sound in the room when the message was not being relayed to her was the slick sound of her fingers constantly stroking her overly sensitive pussy. The demon’s victim had no control of her movements. All she could do was think of how desperately she needed it to stop. For what felt like hours, she was forced to masturbate relentlessly. Each orgasm thrust upon her swollen red sex after the first few would have brought her to her knees, made her curl into a ball and try to recover: yet it kept her standing.

The demon could have done anything to her, could have terribly contorted her body or made her act out any number of horrors. Though it delighted in this instead, being able to relish in her sexual torment, able to feel the physical anguish brought about by an act that would normally comfort her. While she could not scream out, it could feel and almost hear the screams emanating from this human girl’s clitoris every time she was forced to orgasm, the swift strokes honing in on that spot and never ceasing.

The first few times left her breathless, having never played with herself beyond the point of coming once; it was a pleasure she could not have ever experienced under her own ministrations. The rest of the night, however, was spent exhaling through gritted teeth, internally praying that she may be spared from more ceaseless torture. By now, she had expected to have become numb from the over-stimulation, yet the demon must have been stopping her body from protecting itself in such a way. Her assumption was correct.

The relentless attention to that delicate little nub was unbearable. Every muscle strained in a futile attempt to stop the onslaught on her clitoris, hoping to surface from the sea of agonising pleasure she was drowning under. It felt so horrifyingly cruel to take such a sweet sensation and use it against her in this way. If she could speak, she’d have pleaded with the demon to take her if it wished, to penetrate her and use her for its own physical pleasure if it so desired, anything to just stop herself from coming for just a moment. It would have been a little easier if this wicked entity was the one who was touching her this way; knowing that her own fingertips were the ones tormenting her pussy made it so much worse, so much harder to comprehend.

Finally, once she was sure that she’d perish if she were to orgasm much more, certain her heart would give out, it all stopped. She gulped for air. Every orgasm had caused her to struggle for breath, and not being able to scream or moan out made it seem so much harder to inhale or exhale. Suddenly, the demon spoke once more, but this time was different.

“Your punishment is not over. You wished to take from me a gift, yet instead, I shall take from you. Your orgasm, humankind’s moment of utmost rapture, this belongs to me now. Only on this date each year may you ask for it back for one night, but to do that, you must summon me, and again I shall have my way with you the same. Farewell… for now.”

Content created by: PleasureTorture

Image source from: TheLifeErotic

Enjoying His Work

If she knew what he really was, she’d have run long ago. A being from a world that sees humankind as toys to play with. A being possessing powers beyond human comprehension. A being that takes pure joy in deriving torture from pleasure.

It was the sensitivity within her body he could read that drew him to her as much as her beauty. Once he honed in on her at the club, there would be no way she could ignore that seductive gaze, an aura that seemed to hypnotize her.

Every part of her skin he touched seemed to light a fire of desire in that exact spot. She needed so much more. The more of her he touched, the more it seemed to intensify, like an electric surge of pleasure constantly sizzling throughout. It was like a magic touch; if only she knew. All she knew was that she needed him to touch her everywhere, to be inside her. At first, she felt like the one in control, just as he wanted her to feel. When he was inside her, it was as if every fantasy in her life, every wet dream and sexual desire, had all built up to this moment as if preparing her for the ultimate pleasure.

Continue reading Enjoying His Work