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Answers So Far..

  • Someone asked:
    Hi! i used to love a story of yours about a princess being taken to a dungeon and tortured for days before being rescued, but can’t find it anymore!
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Is it this one by chance? Forbidden Romance Let me know if so.
  • Someone asked:
    You're an amazing voice actor, and you sound convincing when acting the teasee instead of the teaser. Have you ever trusted anyone to tie YOU down, tease you, and make you wait for an orgasm? I don't think I'm the only one who'd like to see that just once. 😀
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Thank you. Perhaps I'll have to incorporate an audio for that scenario! I certainly have indulged in that previously - I'll give a little account of it either in writing or through an audio post may be fun.
  • Someone asked:
    When will you post the next video?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      It'll be here before the end of the month for certain!
  • Someone asked:
    post the audio pleaseeeee
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      It wont be too much longer I promise.
  • Someone asked:
    Hello, I just discovered your page and it is incredible, I congratulate you for your dedication. A gif interested me a lot, and I would really like to get the video of that one. It doesn’t matter if you want to sell it to me, or could you please tell me how to get it. You named it as Stimulant E9, I would really appreciate your answer
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Sadly I do not have the video source for the GIF. If I find it, I will reupload it with the new details.
  • Someone asked:
    When is a new audio coming? I miss the longer ones, those where the most intimate and entising.
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      A longer one will be coming hopefully within the next couple of weeks (it's already been completed - was posted on first and i'll post it here very soon). There will be a story reading collaboration coming this weekend as well.
  • Someone asked:
    I’m having a little writer’s block so I have a question: Would you firmly tug your ‘subject’s’ hair if they were to break free from a restraint as punishment? Not to hurt them, but to show them that even though they were able to ‘somewhat’ escape, you’re still in control?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Yes! Though that's something that can sometimes be brought up as a topic before sessions if the possibility of hair pulling is possible (though hasn't been due to the restraints staying in place where needed). But in terms of a gentle hold on the hair to give some erotic dominance
  • Someone asked:
    You always are so praising which is awesome, but I was wondering.. Could you possibly make an audio tease to where theres degrading and prasing? (Ex. Look at how pathetic/Needy you are for me) Me and those others who are into that would really enjoy it. Thank you for your consideration.
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      That would be interesting! I'll try involving something in that manner in a future audio for sure (perhaps more of an exhibitionism focused one).
  • Someone asked:
    Completely hypothetical… but if your ‘subject’ were interested, would you ever be willing to be more rough with her?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      It depends on what you mean by 'rough'. To me, sexuality always build to a certain 'roughness' - for example when I'm penetrating someone or solely using toys etc. - after all of the denial, edging and teasing that builds up - the crescendo is always leading to a rough level of intensity - those hard, intense thrusts, the little spanks and pinning the wrists down to let her know that the intention is to make the pleasure feel like a weapon. Rough in terms of things that leave a lasting mark though (such as extreme spanking/whipping/strangulation) - those things aren't quite something I'd take pleasure in performing.
  • Someone asked:
    Hi, I absolutely love your content! I am fantasizing about getting my boyfriend to do a session on me, and ma sentindo the link with the suggestion… Would you record an áudio guiding on reversed roles (woman teasing a guy?). Any tips on how to milk him with a prostate massage?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      There will be a tease based on this in the near future, with the male being the one on the receiving end of the teasing (though nothing on the 'milking/prostate massage' basis as that's not something I get involved in).
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