Ask Me Anything

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Answers So Far..

  • Someone asked:
    Can you make an intense audio challenge on guided masturbation nipple play and clit teasing , leading to desperation with blindfold . The challenge would be not to come until given permission ( no fingering )
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      It will be the next audio post that I'll be working on (I have a few completed ones that will be coming soon to be uploaded).
  • Someone asked:
    Please make the nipple passage of pleasure
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I will begin the work on it soon for sure.
  • Someone asked:
    I love your guided masturbation audios, but the problem with me is that I dont like to use the same one twice. Do you have any recommendations for other good free sites with guided masturbation audios?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I'm not sure where the best place would be for guided audio's - hopefully once a new site I'm setting up is working, there'll be a lot of suggested content from other users (I'll be posting more detailed information about that soon).
  • Someone asked:
    Omg the nipple play interactive game would be awesome. Plsss make one.
  • Someone asked:
    Hi! What board did you use in the Hold Yourself Back (video session) with model Nova Gold? P.S. I’m sorry if I didn’t use the correct term, I’m new to this; I am referring to the board she is tied down on with the shackles. Thanks!
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Hi there. It was a bondage board by a company called 'Strict XL' If you type 'strict XL' into Amazon, it should immediately bring up the same type of board. Highly recommended - very sturdy, well made and very easy to transport as well. I think one day I should do some erotic 'reviews' of things like the board and the toys used etc.
  • Someone asked:
    Can you make an interactive tease like passage of pleaaure, but only for nipple play?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I have been meaning to make a nipple based tease of this nature for quite some time. So yes, I will definitely be working on this.
  • Someone asked:
    I would love to be teased by you.. be your slave
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      When you feel that fingertip sliding down your body, leading to where you need it the most... When your hips are rocking and you are screaming out that you need it so bad, that you'd do anything to finally stop the teasing and be given the orgasm you desperately need... You'll realise that you aren't a slave to me - you're a slave to the pleasure itself.
  • Someone asked:
    Please upload more audios
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      A new one will be uploaded very soon (hopefully by the weekend).
  • Someone asked:
    When is the new video being posted??
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Hopefully by this coming weekend!
  • Someone asked:
    When are you posting the audio?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I'll have a couple of audio updates on the way soon - though the newest video will be on the way first.
AMA by Million Clues!