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Answers So Far..

  • Someone asked:
    Hello, I hope you are having a good day. I was wondering if you can make the images on the site blurred till someone clicks on them (kinda like how discord does). I find your stories and audio very wonderful but I'm a bit weird (sex positive asexual) who still likes text and audio porn. For me the pictures actually are a turn off and I hope im not the only one who feels like this. I say this with all due respect and I appreciate you reading
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Thank you for the feedback. I hadn't thought of doing this, however I know you aren't the only one who only likes the audio and/or text as opposed to the images. I like the idea of the blurred image until it is clicked on, so I will see if there is a way to implement this. If not, I will simply utilise the 'read more' button which will keep the images hidden unless that is clicked (unless it is a longer story). That was it is the best of both worlds as those who do not care for the GIFS can avoid seeing them, and those who want to see them are still easily able to access them.
  • Someone asked:
    Will you ever post the "Your Vibrator" audio that's been on sssh for a while now on here as well? I deeply love listening to Just Your Nipples, Your Clitoris & then Your Vibrator all in one session, which is especially made easy for the first two due to having downloaded them from soundgasm. So always having to keep a subscription intact & having to visit the webpage for the vibe audio is far from ideal. It's not the end of the world, so if it'll always stay exclusive, that's fine! Just wouldn't want to miss the chance at having all three at hand whenever & wherever I'm in need of them. Really, really looking forward to the upcoming nipple- & clit-focused audios btw. They're by far my favorite ones & could never be too long. Selfishly wish they'd go on for hours.
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I absolutely will be posting that (and others) here in future. Though just letting it be an exclusive thing for a longer duration while slowly updating the audios to here. It won't be too long until the Vibrator audio is on here as it has been quite a while since it was posted. So you'll definitely be able to access them elsewhere. You also have reminded me, I need to upload some of the more recent audios onto my soundgasm as well! I'm hoping to start work on the clitoris/nipple tease audios very soon - taking a little longer to be able to work on them than expected.
  • Someone asked:
    When will the nipple tease be posted? Thank you for your work.
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      It's going to take a little time - I had hoped to have already started it, however, the program I use was not working for some time (was on Milovana). It seems like they have fixed the technical issue, so I should be able to begin work on the interactive tease.
  • Someone asked:
    Thank you for still updating your site with such wonderful content after all this time <3. Your gif captions, stories, audios, and videos all get me lost in a cocoon of dreamy arousal that's hard to feel from most other erotic internet repositories; even your crueler stories/ideas are never contemptous, and I appreciate that!
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      It always means a lot to know how much the content is enjoyed. Especially as its a little more difficult to interact with an audience on the site compared to the old Tumblr days. If ever there's other works you'd like to see more of, please do always feel free to let me know. Otherwise, I'll continue to keep you trapped in that sensual cocoon of arousal as I am 😉
  • Someone asked:
    When are the new audio instructions coming? And can you do some with more dirty talk?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Hoping by this coming weekend I'll be able to post a new audio tease. What kind of dirty talk do you have in mind that you'd want to hear more of?
  • Someone asked:
    Any plans for a new vibrator instructional tease audio?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      There will be, yes. However, the focus first will be on a nipple/clitoris focused tease to go along with the work that will start on the nipple based interactive tease.
  • Someone asked:
    Pleeeease start working on that nipple teasing passage of pleasure, please.
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I will, as soon as I can 🙂
  • Someone asked:
    Can masturbating make me lose weight? Are there some certain poses and techniques that I can do instead of exercise?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Not that I am aware of. I am pretty sure that there is no positive or negative impact at all on weight. Simply, masturbation is its own thing - a focus on pleasure and enjoyment.
  • Someone asked:
    I wish I had a vibrator to just strap it between my legs and cum uncontrolably
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Hopefully some of the toys here may catch your attention and imagination, whether now or in future.
  • Someone asked:
    Please make the audios long (around 40'). Those are the ones that really build the tension and arousal. Also more nipple play.
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      There is a longer audio (around the 40 minute mark) that will be coming soon for sure.
AMA by Million Clues!