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Answers So Far..

  • Someone asked:
    When will the nipple tease be posted?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      It's going to take a little while for both the audio tease and the written tease to be posted as I'm still only a portion through the written part (will be creating the audio afterwards) - this is because it's a little more of an involved tease... going to be in the style of an erotic gameshow. I have, however, created a gentle audio tease which I will be in the process of editing this coming week, focused on avoiding touching anywhere too intimate, to focus on the less explored areas of the body during masturbation. The Halloween posts are also being worked on, two of which will also feature a lot of nipple play.
  • Someone asked:
    Updates on the nipple interactive tease?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      A small update - I have begun work on it at last - decided to make it a little more unique than had originally been planned (meaning adding a few extra images for the interactive element). Planning to incorporate the same ideas to the audio tease version of it as well.
  • Someone asked:
    When is a new video coming?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      It may be a little while until a new video (just audio and stories for the time being) because there havent been any sessions with video recording utilised.
  • Someone asked:
    It would be nice if you included some teasing over clothes in the nipple play passage. I hope there's also a lot of buildup, anticipation and very gentle teasing.
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I plan on it!
  • Someone asked:
    I appreciate the Tantalizm site launch!! I had a lovely time yesterday reading through the Xena CYOA you recommended 😈
  • Someone asked:
    Any updates on the nipple passage of pleasure?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      It's taking a lot longer to get working on it than I had anticipated. So it may be a few weeks until it is completed. I'll post updates as it comes along though (hoping to couple it with an audio post that will cover the same theme as well).
  • Someone asked:
    Recently I am into dry humping but did not find any good resources regarding it. Can you make a dry humping instruction audio with some edging in future? Eagerly waiting for the nipple play games, hope it comes soon 🙃
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      The nipples tease will take a little time, but the wait can add to the anticipation. I will certainly be involving some 'teasing over clothing' based audio in future - though not quite 'dry humping' it'll will still be focused on touching without direct contact.
  • Someone asked:
    hello will u be giving any individual audios to the page visitors, if they want? Is that option available
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      That is a possibility indeed. Feel free to reach out on any of the contact methods from the contact me area of the site ( and I can discuss what audio you may be wanting.
  • Someone asked:
    what was your weirdest dream ever, give me all the details about it
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I actually don't dream. Maybe that helps keep my imagination so active when I'm awake to aid in writing stories etc. But yeah, I have maybe 3 dreams per year maximum, and they are very mundane. For example, the last dream I had, I simply was playing a game of volleyball - that was all. Nothing exciting occurred.
  • Someone asked:
    I'm accessing this website on my mobile device, is there any way to search for specific stories?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      the best way is through the 'categories' section. I am in the process of completing an 'archive' section that will make it easier to search for some of the shorter stories as well.
AMA by Million Clues!