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Answers So Far..

  • Someone asked:
    How frequently do you add in new contents? Because I can hardly wait for new ones...
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I try to post twice per week (at least once per week) though sometimes when on holiday or some other event comes up, it can be tricky. Hoping to post once per day over the Christmas/New Year holiday season though.
  • Someone asked:
    Any updates on audio teases and the nipple interactive tease?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Not too much in the way of updates yet sadly. Though after Christmas and the New Year it'll be easier focusing on the interactive tease as well as a very long audio that is planned (in the meantime, there are a number of already completed audios still to come, including one that focuses on breast and nipple teasing).
  • Someone asked:
    I love your Bruc3 series and would love to read more if you choose to continue! If only I had a robotic lover to edge me forever... how long do you think it will take for sex tech like Bruc3 to become reality?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      While I probably won't continue the Bruc3 series, I do have a very similar scene planned for a series that I'm currently writing - it will feature a Bruc3 style robot (I might name the robot Bruc3 as well for fun) and feature both edging/denial and forced orgasms in the scene. I wish such machines were soon upon us, though I don't see it happening to that level in our lifetime - I feel like sextech will constantly advance but also be held back by the difficulty in making the most advanced tech affordable. Even a small, portable edging device seems a difficult thing to imagine happening any time soon, unfortunately (there are currently some similar things on the market but it's very early days for edging sex tech).
  • Someone asked:
    Please upload more edging & denial videos and stories
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I'll be working on videos as soon as I can (definitely harder to upload due to the nature of creating the videos as those I do sessions with recently prefer no recording of the session - though I will be testing out a couple of experimental videos in the near future). I will be making plenty of edging and denial stories for sure though!
  • Someone asked:
    Please upload more audio teases.
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I promise, plenty more are on the way
  • Someone asked:
    Please upload the Halloween audios here.
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      They will be coming soon I promise. There's multiple other audio posts to come here too.
  • Someone asked:
    Hi any new videos coming soon?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Not soon enough sadly - hopefully by the end of the year though!
  • Someone asked:
    Where can I find more JOI audios for free made by other people? Any that you recommend?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I'm not certain to be honest - I don't follow JOI audios myself so I don't have any recommendations, however the Tantalizm website is more focused on that, with the hopes that the forum on that site also being a place where people can share recommended JOI audios and videos.
  • Someone asked:
    I know the audio has been out for a while, but I'm listening to "Symphony of Pleasure" at the moment & wondered if you know the source of the crazy hot background audio you used in it? While I adore the audio as it is, I'd love nothing more than to be able to see the scenes unfold at the same time in future listens. Thank you for all the amazing work you've been doing!
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      Great question! The clips are all from various scenes found on These are the selection of scenes that were used from the Sssh videos: The Watcher, White Hot, Sweat, A Day in Paradise. I plan to utilize similar audio ideas in future in conjunction with Sssh.
  • Someone asked:
    Can you please make some forced orgasm videos?
    • pleasuretorture replied:
      I would love to be able to upload more focused on forced orgasms, however I haven't had any sessions recently where I can upload any of the video footage. I may be meeting with a previous collaborator though who might be happy to allow footage to be released (though this could be a little while before anything gets posted - probably around the Christmas season).
AMA by Million Clues!