The majesty of ecstasy. Such beauty. To feel that wondrous synchrony between the body and mind, between fantasy and reality. The perfect balance between blissful relaxation and explosive rapture. It bursts forth into the world in a cluster of sounds, emotions and reactions that celebrates life itself. The very embodiment of joy.
All to be turned into a weapon against you. All to become a tool of torment for my own amusement. Just a simple device in my hand can be heaven and hell all at once for you.
The majesty of pleasure. Such cruelty. To feel that wondrous synchrony between between submission and mercy, between what you need and what you can take. The perfect balance between overwhelming ecstasy and torturous overstimulation.
Until you stop relishing me with those sounds, emotions and reactions, or until I hear that safeword, you know I’m not going to stop.

Image source from: TA Worship