“Sir! As the footage shows, the faction had caught and imprisoned our agent three days ago. Communication with her had ceased at approximately 1600 hours. The footage we have been receiving indicates that they have been continuing their interrogations as recently as ten minutes ago today. The footage has been coming in every thirty minutes. There seem to be thirty-minute intervals every ninety minutes, indicating breaks in their administration of torture, before they begin once again.”

“At what time did they begin torturing her?”

“When they captured her three days ago, the video footage we received indicates they began at 1700 hours, sir.

Currently, we are unable to pinpoint their location and have no further information.”

“Damn it. She’s truly on her own. God, have mercy on her. Has there been any change in the footage throughout the ordeal?”

“No, Sir. The same two women have been continuously tormenting our agent. It has been the same continuous process. They have been using vibrators to bring our agent to the edge of orgasm repeatedly, stopping every time she has been close. They appear to take it in turns; as soon as one of them has brought our agent to the edge of orgasm, they switch around.

Earlier footage shows our agent screaming out for us to find her. As the footage continued, it changed from her screaming for us to screaming out for anyone to help her to then screaming out for mercy from the assailants. However, nothing had changed their pattern or methods of torture throughout the three days.”

“What pattern?”

“Well… Umm-“

“Spit it out, man!”

“Yes, sir! The pair had been bringing our agent to the edge until she had been weeping for them to make her orgasm. She held on as long as she could, but the pair have been quite adept at keeping her as close to the pinnacle for as long as possible with very little rest in between. The periods between torture sessions seem to be enough to ensure that our agent has had just enough rest to keep her sensitive enough for the next ordeal.

Periodically, they have asked her whether she would rather experience forced orgasms instead of being edged again for another ninety minutes. Occasionally, she would decline, but it had only taken a couple of repetitions before our agent agreed to the forced orgasms. They then kept the vibrators pressed to her, forcing her to endure the sensations throughout her climax and continuing without respite. Only when she is screaming and begging to go back to the denial do they stop. They then repeat this process, edging her until she once again pleads with them to let her come, even if it means enduring the forced orgasms again.

“Is there no way for her to get out of this wicked situation?”

“Like I mentioned, sir, we have no idea where they are. They look to be in a location where nobody would hear them. Her arms are bound to the chair, her legs and ankles spread apart, and her torso tightly secured against the backrest, leaving her no chance of escape. She can’t even attempt to shield herself at all from the onslaught of the vibrators.”

“Does she have any compromising information?”

“Well… about that sir…”

“Go on… out with it.”

“Due to the likelihood of her encountering the faction, we had provided false information to help protect the organisation in the event this type of situation occurred. Since the torture had begun three days ago at 1700 hours, none of the information that our agent has been providing her captors has been correct.”

“How long ago did the torture make her break and try to give them the information?”

“Three days ago at 1900 hours.”

Content created by: PleasureTorture

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